Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Unpopular Opinions


What a better way to kick off 2017 than with some unpopular opinions! ;)

I saw Kate's version of this and wanted to do it too.

I hate coffee and think it tastes like what burnt dirt might taste like
I don't like soda. I never drank soda as a kid and now if I drink it, the carbonation burns my throat.
I've never read Harry Potter and probably never will
I'm sick of seeing the same flat lays on Instagram with coffee cups and cozy socks and all that goes with it
I don't care about makeup or fashion
I hate swimming. Probably because I never really learned.
I find cooking stressful and don't like to do it
Even though I did IVF and was grateful to get pregnant, I didn't love being pregnant
I hate the summer. It's way too hot and everywhere is too crowded.
I kind of like living in an HOA because our street and neighbors yards look nice all the time
I think rom-coms are the worst
I have no desire to eat sushi. Tried it once and that was more than enough.
I like when the stores bring out Cristmas decorations in October
I don't care if my kid licks the shopping cart
I don't like most of today's pop music
I'm not a fan of cities. The busyness, the noise, the smells, the fighting for parking, the crowds are unappealing


  1. I'm totally with you on the soda thing! My mom never gave us soda, and I still have a distinct memory from childhood of a time I accidentally drank a gulp of soda in a darkened Chuck-E-Cheese restaurant. It was traumatizing, I guess. =-) To this day, I still don't like it, mostly for the feeling I'm drinking air, the horrible bubbles up the nose thing, and the burning throat. We're better off without it - much healthier.

  2. i agree! sometimes beer even hurts, but the unexpected nose burps hurt the worst lol


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall