Monday, February 8, 2016

A change in plans

Oh muh gah what a royal pain the ass!

These last few weeks have been filled with indecision, confusion and a huge knot in my stomach about what to do with this blog.

I find Bluehost so hard to navigate around that I had no idea I was paying for a "plus" plan which would explain why I was paying a super high price for blog hosting. Um, no I do not need 25 subdomains (I do not even know how to utilize that) and 50 email accounts! And that was what I was paying for this last year. And no, I never chose this upgrade on my own. I have no idea how that happened when I renewed in 2015 but it was sneaky and I nearly dumped this entire blog to move to Blogger because the price was not right.

And I couldn't find a way to downgrade to a cheaper plan from my own account. I couldn't even find the pricing plans to see what my options were. Apparently you have to speak with an agent to do that. Which would've been good to know before I fucking uploaded my entire blog (439 posts) with 1500 pictures to a Blogger account for NOTHING.

Add to that, the fact that Blogger DELETED my blog when I was about 400 posts in with manually uploading images, stating I was violating their terms of service and my blog was marked as spam. I cried that day. I hadn't backed it up because it was marked as private anyway. I was kicking myself and was in a funk all day. Every time Lachlan took a nap, I'd hop on to Blogger to update those image links. All that free time during naps, wasted. But after clicking on "appeal" they reinstated my blog a day later so I did end up gaining access back, but man, what if that happened again? Which reminded me of one of the reasons why I moved to Wordpress in the first place.

I was one day away from redirecting my domain name too, which would've cost me tons of traffic because of broken links to popular posts. But now with a "basic" plan, I can actually afford to stay here at Wordpress.

So, basically what I'm trying to say is that no, I will not be moving blog hosts. I'm staying right here. But Geesus H Christmas!


  1. Ugh, so frustrating! I actually switched my hosting away from BlueHost because I found their site incredibly UN-user friendly, and their customer service was always crap for me. I'm glad you got it resolved, but sorry it took such a headache to get there!

  2. I was at DreamHost when I first started my Blogger to Wordpress move, but eventually moved to SiteGround which I love and have had no problems with. If you're considering anything, consider a switch to SiteGround or another friendly/competent host. Oh, and BlueHost is owned by EIG which is a huge nightmare for a lot of people. See these posts:

  3. when you talk about this, none of this makes me miss being a web developer in ANY way. This sucks you're going through this!!!

  4. haha! yea i couldn't do it. it's so frustrating at times.

  5. oh wow i had no idea about that. EIG seems to have taken over the internet world!

  6. yes, and to me, un-user friendly means sneaky way for them to bang you out. and it worked on me.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall