Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lessons learned during my first year as a mom


  1. Bring a bottle no matter how quick the trip
  2. They will outgrow newborn clothes really fast so don't spend too much on newborn sizes
  3. Same for diapers
  4. It takes practice to get out of the house, and this builds your mommy confidence. So practice a lot.
  5. Cradle cap looks awful but isn't harmful or contagious
  6. Beware: holding a post-fed baby facing you may result in spit up down your shirt, between the boobs


  1. Save the $$ on a diaper genie and just get a garbage with a lid
  2. Buy the lightest car seat/stroller you can find
  3. Buy a baby-wearing device that doesn't take 20 minutes to put on
    1. But if you do get a difficult one, make sure you know how to put it on before the baby starts screaming
  4. Sign up for rewards programs & coupons wherever you can find them
    1. Pampers
    2. Babies R Us
    3. Enfamil
  5. Buy baby clothes with zippers when possible. Buttons and snaps SUCK.


  1. People love babies and will take no notice of your resting bitch face. This is nice.
  2. You're the mommy so you know best. Ignore people who judge.
  3. You will lose social media followers by the dozens and it sucks, but fuck them.

Being a mom

  1. Beware the baby blues. Don't be afraid to seek help or medication.
    1. If it's true postpartum depression it will last longer than 2 weeks.
  2. Have help and support at home during the first few weeks.
  3. I had temporary short-term memory loss after birth.
  4. Fed is best. The breastfeeding/formula/exclusive pumping war is ridiculous.
  5. You will get your period if you don't breastfeed/pump multiple times a night

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Maira Gall