Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Due Date to Me


A date I anticipated since my nurse called to tell me I was pregnant on March 9th, my 33rd birthday.
A very specific date down to the minute since they knew exactly how old our embryo was.

You're definitely pregnant! Are you ready to hear your due date?
Ummm, YES!
It's November 11th.
OMG that's such a cool number!


Baby boy apparently has other plans and is much too comfortable making me uncomfortable at this time to make his grand entrance.
If he took after me, he'd be here early. But being late, that's all his dad haha.

I can't wait to see and kiss his face.

But if I may, I'd like to make a sappy cliche statement:
I'm in his birth plan now. I always was all along. It's up to him on how and when he wants to come out.
And I'm okay with that.


  1. Oh gosh, I'm so excited for you - I'll be keeping an eye out for updates!

  2. Happy due date! Can't wait for updates :)

  3. How exciting! Yes, 11-11 would be a cool birthday, but having him come on his own time is just as cool! :)

  4. I cannot believe your due date is already here!!!! Sending nothing but good thoughts your way and hopes for a safe birth day for you both.
    Love Noodles

  5. So exciting! Wishing you absolutely all the best with being a mommy. Happy due date!

  6. I guess I'm gonna have to start checking Instagram and/or Twitter more often! Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable labor. I suggest lots of music and massages!

  7. You're in his birth plan now. I love that. What a lovely, sweet way of phrasing it.

    Congratulations, mama! I hope the little man is outwardly snuggleable soon and that the next little while (however long it is) isn't too uncomfortable. Best of luck and all sorts of happy, healthy birth wishes! <3

  8. Happy due date!!! I'm so happy for you!

  9. thank you! any date would be awesome at this point haha

  10. Happy due date! How exciting that it's finally here! I hope since this post is 11 days old, it means you have a healthy baby boy! Can't wait to see what he looks like!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall