Sunday, November 8, 2015

What I miss about blogging

I keep reading that the beginning of the end of blogging is near. Hearing that makes me sad, but I think I sort of believe it. Obviously things have changed over the years in the blogosphere. Comments have decreased, Google Friend Connect has ended, people have moved on to monetizing their blogs which readers claim causes the content to take a nose dive. Here's a few of the things I miss about blogging since I started, idk, 5 or 6 years ago....

  • Swapping blog buttons with friends and putting them in your sidebars.

  • Finding new blogs from those sidebar buttons.

  • Remember #FF on Twitter?

  • The anonymity. People I know in real life eventually found my blog which makes me uncomfortable so I'm much more censored than I'd like to be.

  • Not having to do sponsored posts, but you need to make a little $ back to pay for the cost of running a Wordpress blog.

  • The interactions in the comments. Now most people use social media to talk, which is fine, but it feels like you're blogging to no one most of the time.

  • Using Google Friend Connect. I have no idea why some people still have this widget up on their blogs though because I thought the service ended years ago?

  • Not knowing about/not using Google Analytics. Now, looking at my stats does nothing but depress me.

  • Being so excited over uploading a new layout you made. Now most people read along in feed readers so they never pop over to take a look.

  • When bloggers would write about their lives, interests, passions, and have pretty pictures. Now everyone is a pro and has an ebook or class to sell.

What else do you miss?


  1. Totally with you about everyone having an ebook/class to sell. It's all well and good (I've bought some of those ebooks and classes), but I seriously had to unfollow some folks who switched from producing interesting content to doing nothing but marketing. It just got to be too much, you know? I've fallen out of blogging myself. I want to get back to it, I just never seem to get around to it...

    Glad you're still posting and sharing real life! :)

  2. I really miss the connections between blogs. I loved reading blogs and they would have guest posts. I would love finding new blogs to read and this was a great way to weed out the bad ones. I am more of a reader than an interact-er of blogs. I get so disappointed these days when I look for recommendations and they are blogs focused on marketing. I miss the good old days.

  3. The end of blogging? I've only just begun. If this door closes I'll be back to conversing with the house plants.

  4. I can relate to what you're saying... and yet, I keep on blogging and connecting, even with only a few people these days that way.

  5. If there is more marketing over interesting content it's an easy, at a glance sign to move on. There are still good blogs out there, they are just harder to find as blogs are more tailored to reading in a feed. Unfortunately this means buttons, comments and other cross-references are missed. Keep up the interesting posts :)

  6. I agree with you on certain aspects. I loved discovering new blogs. Even A Beautiful Mess is down in comments, and they used to get hundreds! I still write on my blog when I have time, usually on weekends, and schedule a few at a time. I'm not as crazy about it as I used to, but I have paid to design my blog and so I plan to keep using it for now. Woke social media is a quicker way to get information quickly, I don't think blogging will completely die because there's still lots of people out there that still love to read and write on blogs. Please don't stop!

  7. I feel like, for me personally, it all depends on what you find. Most of the blogs I follow are more personal. Random life updates, or just general chatter about things they enjoy. That's basically all my blog is too. I have unfollowed a few blogs that ended up just feeling like a commercial. To me, that's not a blog. I understand it, it's just not for me, or what I prefer to be reading. And apparently I'm behind the times because I still do button swaps with people hehe. :)

  8. THIS!! I'm putting together a new blogroll on my blog and I was just thinking that no one shares their favourite blogs in the same way any more just because they love reading them. Also feeds bum me out because I love playing with my layout and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who looks at it ha.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall