Sunday, October 4, 2015

Around Here: The Grady twins and music and decorating

This week I felt like a normal contributing member of society instead of a normal sleepy, boring, homebody that I've become.

On Friday we booked tickets to the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema which was hosting the Littleton CO location of the Mile High Horror Film Festival. They were playing The Shining and they had a Q&A before the movie with the Grady Twins from the movie (Louise and Lisa Burns) and Lloyd the bartender (Joe Turkel). It was so awesome seeing them! After a 20 minute Q&A, they started taking audience questions and Brian asked one about what it was like to work on the set. We tried getting some photos but of course they came out like crap or some person's fat head was in the way.

Then  on Saturday, Brian's dad and older brother flew in from NY to stay with us for the weekend and see a football game Sunday. While they were here, Brian's band happened to have their first show in downtown Denver in this cute little bookshop. I drove separately with his folks so we could leave early after they played. And his band did so good! I was surprised at how much Bri does vocals. He never really did more than a line or two with his other bands so I was proud of him. And it was especially nice that I actually knew a bunch of people that showed up to watch. Usually I don't know anyone and am quietly standing in the back so it was a good time. I also got to meet the other band members wives finally (sorry grammar police, I know I probably messed that one up), who both happen to be pregnant too. We joked that our kids would be in their own band together one day.

Otherwise, it's Sunday, the guys are at the game now and I'm trying to finish crocheting my first lace work scarf. It certainly takes a long time to work up and with my hands being so sore it has been a slow process. But it's so pretty. I'm wondering who I'll give it to for Christmas.

And I decorated our front porch. My mom sent me a pic of some decorating she did at work and it made me want to run to Michael's for my own. There's a leaf garland around the door that you can't see and we just need some little gourds for the basket and pumpkins for the steps.


  1. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun :) And never feel bad for being a homebody. When the baby is here you'll miss sitting around doing nothing.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall