Monday, October 5, 2015

Mabel's 4!

Happy birthday to my baby girl!

This little chunk of cute and crazy is 4 today. I seriously love her guts.

Some of the cute things she does that I love:
  • When I'm in the shower, she lays on the mat in front until I'm done

  • When I get out she waits for me to pick her up so I can kiss her in front of the mirror

  • If I'm crying, she sits next to/on me

  • She's an expert frisbee catcher. Even if you think she'll miss, she gets it.

  • It's such a bad behavior, but she'll tap my leg once while I'm eating breakfast to get a bite

  • When she has a ball in her mouth, she makes a muffley Wooooooooooo

  • She lets me smother her in forced snuggles while laying on her back

  • She isn't leash reactive like her brother so we can still take her places with us

  • If I put my hand out, she will walk over and push her head into my palm

  • When she's sleepy at night, her lips and chin turn rosey pink

  • When she's feeling tired or lovey, she squints and blinks her eyes really fast

  • If she's sitting next to me while I'm crocheting, she doesn't care if the yarn gets all over her

Look how tiny she was when we first got her!!! 


  1. Aw, happy birthday Mabel! I remember reading about when you first brought her home. Aaaaand that makes me realize I've been reading your blog for a long, long time! Haha.

  2. Happy Birthday Mabel!
    Love Noodles

  3. haha yes that is a long time! certainly doesn't feel like it tho. time flies.

  4. Aw, look at your little babe! So cute! Happy birthday Mabel! :)

  5. Awww, happy birthday Mabel! She was so teeny tiny as a puppy!! And so cute!!!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall