Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What's on my hook: Baskets and elephants and uteri

I've been on a crochet kick lately! Here's some recent wips:

Granny square basket, inspired by Victoria. Free pattern can be found here.

I finally finished this little elephant that I started last summer. I ran out of yarn and finally got around to ordering more. Free pattern can be found here.

And finally, yes, finally, I made a uterus. I knew it was only a matter of time ;)
Free pattern can be found here.


  1. Ha! I love all of them but the uterus is my favorite. You should make an angry-looking one I could punch while I was on my period. ;)

  2. hahahahahha... now what in the world are you going to do with the uterus?

  3. I was thinking I'd give it to my fertility nurse. Either that, or stick pins in it to get her back for being a bitch to me all these years ;)

  4. lol i was debating on whether or not to make her angry. if i make another one, i'll definitely make her pissed off ;)

  5. Love that elephant! And the uterus is fabulous as well.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall