Thursday, November 14, 2013

Last bits of Fall

I've fallen in love with the tree in our front yard. I thought it was a willow tree but the leaves seem a bit too big to be of a willow tree. We had to rake and bag all those leaves last week which was looooads of fun! I even pulled my thigh muscle somehow. How is that even possible? But my favorite time of day is around 4 in the afternoon when the sun starts to set and it lights up the living room with this hazy yellow glow.

And the trees in the backyard make me happy. They have all pretty much gone bare since taking this pic and we unfortunately can see the house in the back of ours. But it's neat to see the changes our little piece of land goes through with the changing of each season since moving in.

And who does this chihuahua think he is, standing on the picnic table? That's not very hygienic. That's all I'm gonna say about that.


  1. I am so glad that my dogs aren't the only ones who believe that the picnic tables are their personal high ground.

  2. The first photo is beautiful. It shows off fall so perfectly. I also love the chihuahua on picnic table. Maybe he really wants to be taller ;)

  3. I love that glow on that first pic. When I lived in San Diego you could hardly see the trees changing colors here in Hemet we could see some of that and I love it!

  4. You gotta love the colors back east! I miss them.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall