Thursday, October 3, 2013

What's on my hook: Pumpkin coasters

Another season, another set of coasters! You can find the free pattern for these pumpkin coasters here on Ravelry. The pattern is really easy and I whipped them up in about an hour or so.

I asked on Instagram how to get them to stop curling up even though I added increases in the last round. And a few people suggested blocking which is something I've never done before. But it totally worked. I just pinned them to some cardboard, sprayed with water, and let them air dry. They are totally flat now!


  1. Love these! They look awesome!! I have never tried blocking.... I really need to though!

  2. Super cute! Amazing what a good blocking will do, no?

  3. These are so cute! I love small, easy projects like this for when I just want something to keep my hands busy. Thanks for the tip about blocking, too. I have that problem with coasters curling often, and never thought of blocking to fix it!

  4. […] crocheted pumpkin coasters (via habitualhomebody) […]


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Maira Gall