Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mabel turns 2!

Today is Mabel's birthday! I can't believe how fast it's been already since we first brought her home. One moment she has her cooky crooked ears and the next she's a Frisbee champion. I feel like a proud mother.

The breeder named her Rapunzel and she had 2 sisters, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, and one brother whose name I can't remember.

These are the only pics I have of her and Cinderella on the day we picked her out. It's makes me sad to know they will never see each other again. But I'm sure she is living a wonderful life somewhere back in California. (Mabel's the one with the blinky eyes. She still does that lol!)

Here she is on the ride home with us a few weeks later

And here she is now. Awww!

She's our first female dog and is so sensitive to our tone of voice and can be a total snuggle bug when she wants to. If I yell at the tv or something she comes running over to calm me down. She lets us kiss her nose and roll her on her back to snuggle on the couch. She loves her brother Monty and is a champ at the passive-aggressive-waiting while he chews on a bone she wants. And she can run almost as fast as a jack rabbit and enjoys playing with little kids (especially with their toys). We love May-boo!


  1. Ok, I'll be honest, I've never been a fan of Boston Terriers, they just aren't that cute to me. UNTIL NOW! Omg, Mabel is so stinkin' cute! Happy birthday sweet pup!

  2. Happy Birthday Mabel! She is so cute and has a great mom too :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall