Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Couch to 5K progress

I thought I'd give a little update on my progress so far...or lack there of. I had a really hard time doing week 3 which included a 3 minute straight jog mixed in with walking, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't breathe at all and I ended up stopping early to avoid dying and flying off the back of the treadmill which caused me to burn less calories than if I were to just repeat week 2 again...and again and again. So I'm going to continue to do week 2 for probably a long time because it seems to be enough for me for now. It's easy enough to keep me motivated but hard enough that I feel like I'm getting in shape. The goal for all this wasn't to actually run a 5 k (though that would totally kick ass) but to just get off my ass and run.

But I did loose 5 pounds since starting. It doesn't seem like a lot but I feel a difference in my stomach. And my face (especially my double chin which was driving me nuts) looks a little more like normal again. I'd like to loose another 6 pounds to make it an even 10 lost but I'm happy with anything.


  1. Hey, you're making progress - nothing wrong with that! I tried C25K once before I got pregnant and I LOVE the idea of it, I just didn't stick with it. I'd love to do it again once Myles is a little bigger (I don't have many times I can leave him at home and go for a walk/jog)

  2. Any progress is better than no progress at all! You'll reach your goals eventually, it's better to not push yourself so hard that you burn out.

  3. Hey you inspired me and I've finished the first week of the zombie couch 2 5k, Im feeling good so far cant imagine running for 3 mins straight, but repeating a week sounds like a good idea, just keep going

  4. Sticking with it is better than trying to push yourself further than you're ready to go, so do week 2 as long as you need! Week 3 was rough for me too, so I did some extra week 2 sessions because it just felt right :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall