Friday, October 25, 2013

Bookmark Dump: Grammar mugs, out of print shirts, and Disney treats

I wish Halloween would hurry up already so I can give away the 2 pound bag of candy that's making me fat again.
That's all I have to say about that. Have a nice weekend, folks.

Grammar mugs. I really like these but I'd be afraid of coming of as a know-it-all.

I love these Out of Print shirts!

This is pretty cute. Fall fox printable.

Heather shared this video on her blog. I'll have to watch it when I have the time: Disney's Halloween Treat.


  1. I know a lot of people I would love to give that mug too! xxx

  2. […] The 10 Most Unusual Libraries in the World ♥ I’m with Alycia on these grammar mugs – fabulous. But then I’d feel a bit pretentious. ♥ 9 Clever […]


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Maira Gall