Sunday, July 7, 2013

July Photo a day - Week 1

Doing another month of Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day challenge.
I missed June's last week from the moving craziness. Are you participating?


  1. I LOVE that first picture, and I now want to try Strawberry Wheat beer so, so badly. I love fruity beers, and some rock and others... well, suck. What did you think of 'tis?

  2. It was funny because at first i didn't taste the strawberry. But if you have a swig of regular beer and then taste the strawberry one, you can definitely notice the flavor :)

  3. I love FatMumSlim's photo-a-day challenges. I did my own photo challenge in June, but I'm all tired out from photo challenges and am taking a break. Your dogs are adorable and is that Strawberry Wheat beer?! Where, may I ask, do you get that from? -Jessica L

  4. The beer is from Wegmans, the best grocery store ever :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall