Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Randomness and stuff. Have you seen my blogging mojo?

There used to be a time where I had a month of blog posts planned and scheduled and now I just don't. And I am not happy about that. My life has been consumed with all things "new house" so I really have nothing to share besides that.  But even then, I don't feel like posting. And I hate that I have only been posting pics from my phone instead of with the real camera. I feel like I'm cheaping out. But I have no freaking time for that stuff right now. And I'm completely uninspired when I get home from work since it's pretty much the most boring (but easy) job ever. I'm not complaining, just explaining. I am very grateful to have a house and a job just to get that out of the way. Anyway, I thought I'd put together a post of random things that have been going on here recently. None of which is important enough to make a separate post about but it's better than nothing...

We went to our neighbor's 4th of July party on Saturday and they are really amazing people. They fostered and adopted a few children in addition to having their own. I enjoyed myself over there after getting over the awkward moment when we first arrived and no one knew who we were and the only 2 people who did know us, were busy talking to other people. So we stood there getting lemonade like, uhhhhh we are new here and feel silly and I swear we're not party crashing. And it's funny how much neighbors know about how each others houses work, like the sewer system and electric bills. Plus we got the scoop on the people who used to live in our house and the neighbors on the other side. Apparently they didn't get along or socialize with anyone else really.

Monty is obsessed with chasing flies in the house. To the point where I can't fucking relax since he's running back and forth, back and forth. He's worse than a cat because at least a cat will kill the fly.

Mabel still has a tummy rash. We are tired of being ripped off at the vet by people who should know where the rash came from but don't. And just send you on your merry way with a medication and the advice of, "just call us if it comes back."  Well, why didn't you just find out what it's from the first time so we don't have to waste anymore time and money?

We started watching The Sopranos. We went all this time without having ever watched it and we are those people who are watching because of James Gandolfini's death.

The curtains I got for the living room, the ones I was obsessed with getting from jcpenny but wasn't sure if I got the right color....well the color is great, but the length is not. I got 84 inch, but the window is very low so they are way too long. This was the only decorating mistake we've made so far by basing our decorating decisions on those listing photos we saved from the website. My mom is going to hem them for me.

I love when I find a crochet project to work on and when I'm sitting there at work and hating myself for not making enough money I think about it and get really excited to work on it when I get home. The project I'm working on now will be August's crochet along. Yup, I'm cheating ;) But it's still too early for that.

I'm starting to get sick of the free /cheap / mediocre ebooks I've been reading. Can you recommend something freaking awesome to read? And no Harry Twatter, Sookie, or romance shit.

I've been listening to Radio Lab podcasts literally all day at work. That's like, about 10 a day. There are so damn entertaining! I feel like I could be on Millionaire or something with all the trivia I know.

We have central air and it's been a dream to have, especially with the last week being in the 90s. It felt so good too when we were busy lugging boxes in and around the basement. It's about 10 degrees colder down there anyways. I don't know how we even made it that long without it. It's definitely a luxury that I will never take for granted. But we still have to see what our electric bill will be. Yuck.

That's about it for now. Anything fun or interesting happening to you lately?


  1. OH yeah! I've been meaning to watch The Sopranos since it came out. Let us know if it's worth it :)

  2. I also sit at work and dream of the crocheting I will do when I get home! The end of the day cannot come fast enough sometimes..... :)

  3. Try reading Divergent, Matched or The Maze Runner. They are young adult books and post apocalyptic and really good. They all the first books in different series's too so if you like one you can read more. :)

  4. I haven't ready anything worth while lately. I've been forcing myself to read all the books I have on my Kindle from my "Oooh--it's only a $1!" shopping spree when I first bought it.

  5. I'm reading the Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant. It's a zombie story from a BLOGGER POV. I like it so far! I just finished the first book, Feed (Kindle version is on sale for $2.99), and had to buy the second because I can't NOT know what happens, you know? Is there a way Kindle users can let other Kindle users borrow? I never explored that because none of my friends have Kindles...

    Does your local library let you check out e-books? I always check their selection before buying from Amazon.

  6. That sounds cool! And yes, you can lend Kindle ebooks to others. I think you do it through Amazon and the other person gets it for 2 weeks. But I think there are certain books you can't do that with. I've only swapped once so I'm not sure lol :)

  7. lol! i have a bunch of 1$ and free books too that are just sitting there unread :)

  8. I too have been considering watchng Sopranos since he died. No shame.
    I love reading about your new house stuff. We bought our first home a year ago and have lived in it for 6 months now. We only have two things on the wall so far (I know...bad) but we're just loving having a place to call home.
    You should try reading Damned by the same guy that wrote Fight Club! (Not even going to attempt to spell his last name).

  9. I hear you on the $1 books! Oh man, so bad. I recently read "Boneshaker" by Cherie Preist, and I thought it was really great! Sort of a steampunk zombie adventure novel. I might have scared myself a bit with the zombie stuff. Other than that, Jenny Lawson's book, "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" is hilarious, and I've been immersed in the Game of Thrones books. Yup, I'm deep in it now.

  10. Little exciting has happened to me lately. The only thing I've done that I can remotely construe as being exciting in my day-to-day life is picking up watercolour paints and painting things from World of Warcraft.
    Dogs chasing flies are hilarious, but I know how annoying it can get. One of my dogs used to eat crane flies. When I was little if there was one in my room I'd just pick her up and she'd 'dispose' of it for me.

    I hope your little ones are settling in all right, and good for you for socialising with your neighbours! Perhaps it's because of my mum's disablility, but we never really socialise with our neighbours, like, at all. We've got several new neighbours in the last year, one of them threw a party and everyone in the street went except us (rather surprising in England - we English don't tend to speak to eachother unless necessary). So I'm kind of regretting it, but at the same time we couldn't have gotten my mum's wheelchair in their house anyways.

  11. SO FUNNY dude, I just started watching the Sopranos for the first time too! I am really enjoying it so far. :)

  12. Re: your A/C bill
    If you have a programmable thermostat, make good use of it! If you don't have one, get one.
    We have the A/C nearly off during the day (set high only to come on so our dog doesn't get overheated if temps rise really high) run it lightly during evening when we are home, and cooler at night because I like it for sleeping. We always make sure to turn it off if we are out for extended periods on weekends and such. Also, if there are vents in the basement, you should close them to force more air upstairs, since the basement is cool anyway.
    This is maybe pretty obvious advice, but I am always shocked at how much difference we can make in our energy bill by controlling it this way.

  13. Ohh it's Chuck Palahniuk or something lol. I read that one. It was definitely a good read!

  14. Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to check them out on goodreads. I'm not sure I am up for the challenge of reading Game of Thrones just yet :)

  15. Well that's understandable about your mom. I usually don't talk to my neighbors either unless they do first. I'm terrible at initiating conversations but once they do I'm fine :)

  16. Yea! We are going to probably stick it out. I mean, honestly, dinner and Netflix all night is the best thing ever.

  17. Thanks for the tips! It may seem like obvious stuff to some, but its totally new to me! I will see about the vents downstairs. My husband has started playing around with the thermostat. It's programmable. I came home after work today and it was kinda hot upstairs so we'll have to figure out something that works for us.

  18. I've heard good things about Divergent. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

  19. Tell me about it! I was daydreaming about what if I worked at a yarn company and got to learn every stitch ever and got a huge employee discount. I'd be trouble!


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Maira Gall