Saturday, July 6, 2013

Around Here: 4th of July Weekend

Hey guys!

Even though it's only been a few days since I posted last, I feel like I've been out of the loop with blogging and keeping in touch with people. I'm sorry if I haven't replied to anyone via email or twitter if you contacted me. It's been a busy few days here between unpacking, parents visiting, and work.

Tuesday my sister drove up to stay with us and look at apartments. She's moving here next month so she checked out a few apartments and the first one she saw was the best one because it has a patio. So she's all set up with that. And then Thursday my parents came to see the house and they rented a uhal truck to bring us a tractor and trailer that my dad fixed up for us.

A neat story about the tractor - My Dad was at work when he heard that a friend of his was selling their tractor and he wanted to get one for us as a house warming gift. What are the chances that the tractor that was up for sale was the very same tractor that belonged to my Grandpa back in the 90s? So my Dad bought it off him and fixed it up. It's still in really good condition. The guy who had it even kept the manual that had my Grandpa's writing in it. And my Dad also pulled out of the woods his old trailer that hooks onto the back of the tractor and painted it up. I remember riding around in it as a kid. He was so excited to give it to us and we are really grateful to have it now.

Soon after my Dad showed Bri how the mower worked, they both ended up mowing the entire lawn...Bri on the tractor with a beer and my Dad using the push mower. But enough tractor talk...

Later on we had BBQ kabobs and played with fireworks. It was a good time. The dogs were exceptionally cute in between panting like crazy. It's be so damn HOT lately!

Myla only let us put her dress on for about 1 minute before she
turned into a crazy she wolf and slipped out of it.

But the dogs play great together and I'm happy to know that they'll all get to hang out together more often.

That about wraps up this last week. I've been so exhausted lately from the heat. I think today we're going to get some paint and start painting the living room. I already taped everything yesterday. And our neighbors invited us to a party that we're gonna try to stop by for a little bit in between everything. The neighbors seem pretty nice. The ones on the right of us are an older couple with about 3 adult kids (I think) and a dog that Monty fence fights with. Not a good first impression on our behalf but they didn't seem to care by their lack of calling their dog off. I nearly ate shit while trying to wrangle Monty in and he kept evading me so he could continue fighting along the entire length of the fence. And the neighbors on the left have a few younger kids and they always seem to be out doing yard work. I guess that's life now isn't it!


  1. I almost feel like when you're buying a house you should enter negotiations with the neighbors as well. Or at least interview them or something.

    That tractor story is cool! And your dad looks like a bad-ass.

  2. For real! I wish you could do a quick interview or get to stay over one night in the house you want before you decide to buy. Like a free trial lol

  3. I think it's so cool that you got your grandpa's tractor...that was meant to be. :) Neighbors...ha...don't get me started.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall