Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Photo-a-Day Week 3

Our house is pretty much packed. This is our last weekend in the rental and there's boxes everywhere. The dogs know something is up. I've packed things away that I needed at one point or another, like the one time I wanted to wear my wedges they are already packed or the one time I wanted to straighten my hair all year and it's in some mystery box (that always happens!). Thursday is closing and Friday we're moving in with the help of Brian's brother and parents. I'm only working half days those days. Then the following week my sister is driving up to visit and look at apartments around the area. She's thinking about moving here which makes me so happy! Then for the 4th of July my folks are coming down to see the house and they're giving us a tractor. There's a pretty neat story behind the tractor but I'll save it for another day.

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© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall