Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bye Bye Google Reader

If you read my blog with Google Reader, I'm sure you already know that it's no longer going to be in service after July 1st so please be sure to follow some other way!

I'm on Bloglovin, you can subscribe to my newsletter, or you can sign up to receive blog posts in your inbox. The form is in the sidebar to the left (I just recently added it).

For a service similar to Google Reader, I use The Old Reader. It's really easy to transfer your current blog feeds from Google to The Old Reader too.


  1. Ugh, I'm still mad Google Reader is going away. Google, what were you thinking? They said fewer people were using it, but most everyone I know reads RSS in GR. Boo. I switched to Feedly and didn't like it at first, but now they've fixed a lot of the bugs that plagued it a few months ago.

  2. Thank you so much for adding the "subscribe by email". When you switched to Word Press, that is the one thing I missed, is getting your posts delivered to my inbox... thank you

  3. yay! you're welcome. i knew there was a way i just couldn't find the widget.

  4. i don't like it either. and feedly is so glitchy on phones or tablets. which is how i look at feeds really fast. i'm just so irritated about it in general.

  5. I've been really pleased with Feedly so far. I think I may even like it better that GR! Google Reader/Good Riddance!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall