Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5 Things I Don't Ever Want To Do

I saw this post on Yes and Yes and it looked like fun. 6 things I don't ever want to do:

  • Have to go back to school (yet again)
    Besides having to pay the cost of tuition, which isn't even possible since we just bought a house, I would hate to have to go back to school for the third time for whatever reason that may be....grad school, specializing in a certain area, requirement for a job, etc. I've always hated school, studying, and homework and I know I'd be ridiculously stubborn this time around and not want to do it. I'd be miserable.
  • Eat bugs to survive
    I say this now becaues I've never been on the brink of dying of starvation, but I would rather die than eat bugs. I would probably puke them out anyway. I don't even think I could force myself to swallow it because my gag reflex wouldn't allow me to even touch the bug.
  • Throw up in front of someone
    Speaking of eating bugs....but honestly. I have this fear of puking in front of someone...specifically spontaneous puking...like without warning. This has never happened to me (yet) but I think about it a lot, like if I ate too much at a restaurant or if I'm nervous at a job interview or something. It's like, "oh hi, I'm here for the interv.....BLECHHHHHH." It's one of the most vulnerable and uncontrollable things that can happen to your body and I hate the thought of losing control of myself. Plus, puking is the absolute worst.
  • Have to perform CPR on someone
    I have my CPR certificate but I'd be afraid of completely forgetting what I'm supposed to do under pressure, and then I'd never forgive myself if they died because I didn't do CPR right. If you didn't break their ribs off their sternum, you didn't push hard enough.
  • Go to a popular destination during college spring break
    Large groups of people make me very uneasy, especially large groups of young, drunk people that don't pay attention to where their bodies are in space, especially my space. Plus more people means more noise, long lines and other crap I have no patience for.


  1. Great list :) I agree about the spring break thing, it has NEVER seemed appealing to me.

  2. While it's too late for me to not throw up in front of people, I'm with you on all the others lol!

  3. I'm totally with you on the spring break thing. I would be so uncomfortable.

  4. oh no! well at least you did it and survived to tell the tale :)

  5. especially the whole sidewalk dance and people walking on the wrong side. i hate that lol

  6. I've made the mistake of vacationing at a spring break hot-spot during spring break. Never again.

  7. a common fear of people who have never done CPR to someone is that they will forget!!! It's not true!!!! In that situation your amazing adrenaline takes over and time slows and you are totally in control and all of the lessons come flooding back. :) Also....please don't try to break anyone's ribs. lol. Sometimes they might crack but you can definitely get air into their lungs without giving them more injury. I always hate when CPR instructors say that....I think it's to scare people into pushing hard, but breaking ribs is definitely not a requirement. /emtstudentrant

    With that professional and positive statement out of the way....if I showed up anywhere during spring break I'd probably fashion a pipe bomb about five seconds after experiencing Spring Breakers. I hate humanity.

  8. I couldn't handle the spring break thing either. We went to Myrtle Beach during bike week (on purpose, with the motorcycle and everything), and it was hell. Spring breakers are definitely worse than bikers. I need my personal space too... also another reason why I can no longer go to open seating concerts. Too much sweaty dancing up in my face. *shiver* I'll pay more for the seated area. LOL.

  9. oh god if you say 'outdoor concert' to me i'll run away screaming lol


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Maira Gall