Sunday, May 19, 2013

Around Here in list format

  • It's a rainy morning here in the woods and I'm feeling so much better than I was when I first woke up thanks to my migraine meds.
  • Just under 6 more weeks till we can move into our house and time couldn't move slower! So we've been carefully planning the layout, colors, and design of the rooms in the mean time. We bought a beautiful light grey couch, love seat, and accent chair from Ashley Furniture. And it's hard to see but my favorite green color is mixed in that chair so that will be the color of the accent wall in the living room.
  • We started watching Rules of Engagement on Netflix and both the actors who play the younger couple, Adam and Jennifer, were in Dawson's Creek. I love it when two or more actors from one show are both in another one together. But Jeff is my favorite character.
  • I worked 4 hours overtime yesterday and someone brought in warm pretzels for the weekend shift! I wasn't expecting that so that was a nice little pick me up.
  • I ordered some tshirt yarn from an online store I've purchased successfully from in the past, but I was really disappointed with this order. The picture of the yarn on the website made the skein look much larger than it actually was so there's no way I can make the rug I was planning on with 3 tiny little skeins. And I ordered what I thought was a jumbo 14.75 millimeter hook to go with that tshirt yarn, only instead of a 14.75 mm hook, I got a size 14 aka .75mm hook. See what I did? I ordered the smallest damn hook in the world (the size of a tick head) which happens to be called size 14 and is .75mm wide. Yea. No.
  • I organized my At Home Pinterest board and broke it down into 5 separate categories. Organizing my pins is a highly satisfying task.
  • So now I'm am going to fold the laundry while Brian goes to the grocery store. It works for us because I loathe going to the store and he hates doing laundry so we're even.


  1. When my boyfriend finally got me watching Rules of Engagement, I got super excited over the same thing! I love the show, it's very funny, I especially love David Spade.

  2. Ooh, I love the accent chair especially!

  3. I made my own tshirt yarn, it was super easy and I used tshirts from Goodwill so I got a TON of yarn for less than $10. I'm making a braided rug but I have seen online where you can make a crochet one using a toothbrush....

  4. I like the idea of making your own tshirt yarn. That seems like the most affordable way to get it because it's so pricey!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall