Wednesday, May 15, 2013

13 years

Today is Brian and I's (sorry grammar police) 13th anniversary. We kissed for the first time 13 years ago and that's what we base the start of our relationship to be. Here's a pic from my Sr. prom. Holy crap I was pale. The camera flash didn't help either.

Good lord I wish I was that skinny again, HAHA. But that means my boobs would go back down to a double A and I'm not down with that.

When I see this pic, I think of all the things that were about to happen to us. Like getting lost on Sugarloaf mountain (traumatic, but bonding....or maybe that already happened before prom? I am not sure), driving down to the Jersey shore and sleeping in the huge trunk of his station wagon so we'd be first on the beach the next morning, weekend visits during college where we'd cram in a small tiny bed and not even complain about it, and moving to California and getting our first place together. We were inseparable, and still are.

And one of the things I really love after more than a decade with each other, is that there are still things we learn about each other. Like little stories from our childhood, things that we never mentioned before. Or experiences we had in high school. Or close encounters where we almost met but not sure if we would have dated then (like if we met when he still had a bowl cut. Not so sure about that).

But he is my person and I am his. And I'm not really sure what he sees in me, but not a day goes by where I don't remind myself of just how lucky I am.


  1. This is amazing! You look very different, but kind of like you would be right in in a Sabrina episode about prom (I've been rewatching them lately). Yay for 13 years! THat's awesome.

  2. Congrats on 13 years! My husband and I were high school sweethearts too. Funny marrying someone you practically grew up with, huh? Like having a best friend for life. :)

  3. <3 Happy anniversary!!! YAY for young love. <3

  4. I think it's "My and Brian's anniversary," but I'm not sure. I always get confused at that one.

    Anyway, YAY FOR HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS. You guys look SO 2000 in that photo, I love it. You're adorable. I know exactly what you mean about having lived through so much together, and still learning new things. <3 Happy Anniversary!

    P.S. Unrelated, I realized that I never sent you a button and that you made one for me. Thank you, and I'm sorry :(

  5. "This is Brian's and my anniversary?" I think? I think it has something to do with how it would sound if you took out "Brian's and" and if it would still be grammatically correct.

    Man, it's too early for English. Moving on!

    *CONGRATULATIONS.* That is such a massive milestone! Jordan and I are celebrating two anniversaries from here on out, the first kiss anniversary in October and the marriage in April. Double partytime! ;) I hope that our relationship sees similar success, and here's to hoping too that you see thirteen more happy years, and then thirteen more, and then thirteen more...

  6. Congrats! What an achievement! High school sweethearts are the best. And finding out new things. Just the other day I had to ask my boyfriend of 4 years if he was born in California. :P

  7. Super sweet! Congratulations!

  8. it certainly is like having a best friend!

  9. thanks :) and no worries about the button. unless you totally hate it, just send me another one if you want.

  10. haha yea two anniversaries here too. this one and our wedding one.

  11. oh god this is so sweet and adorable and I'm becoming so sappy!!! and man, dig his hair. that was -the style- back then. I hope that one day I have been together with someone for ten years! gah.

  12. Aw, Happy Anniversary! You two are too cute :)

  13. Happy Anniversary - what a cute pic of the 2 of you! xxx

  14. Awwww, I love this. :) Happy anniversary!

  15. i was also chronically pale in all my high school photos, always taken with that terrible flash. anyway... happy anniversary, alycia and brian!!!

  16. Awww, this post is lovely! And that photo is amazing, I love that hair style - I think I rocked something similar when I was younger. You guys are great together xo

  17. I say "__ and I's" too. It's like we don't really have a proper construct in English for that sentence so we have to say it all awkwardly.

  18. i was also gonna say 'me and brian's' but that sounded even more grammatically incorrect lol


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Maira Gall