Thursday, April 25, 2013

Free writing: A prettier way of saying word vomit

I'm free writing to see what will come out of me. I have been feeling a bit uninspired lately with the same day in, day out repetitiveness of working a day job so I don't really have anything to share about something fun we've done out and about. But this weekend we are going to an art and wine festival in I suppose that's something! They remind me so much of California because there were summers where we'd go to one anytime we heard about it and get buzzed and make fun of the way people dance to cover bands that play cheesy classic rock hits. Plus, with the weather getting nicer it feels more and more like California. But the weather is the only thing I miss about that state. Well, that and the friends we left behind.

It's so fucking hard to make friends. And it's been SO long that I've even hung out with anyone that I get to this state of thinking I don't need any friends, I'm fine on my own. I sort of grow this callus over my heart and forget about connecting with another individual. But then when a few friends from San Francisco came through the area with their band playing an east coast tour earlier this month, getting to talk to someone other than my husband and family was refreshing. It made me realize how much I do need and want friends. That I'm not really the loner and hermit that I always portray myself to be. So I proceeded to talk his face off about life, our new house, his new girlfriend, jobs and all that stuff because I really miss talking to people. I hope our new neighborhood has some other young couples that we can talk to and hang out with. That's basically the only way I'll get to meet anyone around here.

Another thing that's been on my mind a ton lately is the baby thing. It's not gonna happen till next year if all goes to plan, hopefully, but I took my last birth control pill ever yesterday mainly because my Dr. said that since I get aura with my migraines, I'm over 30 and taking bc pills, I could totally have a stroke. So yea, wow I'm old enough to have that risk actually happen to me. That's scary. But I'm also going to try to get off my migraine/anxiety meds early next year to be "baby ready" and that is going to be a nightmare to go through. I've tried getting off them before and I felt like a nervous wreck with head pain all day that makes me feel sick. I don't trust that I can survive without them. One day at a time though, right?


  1. Its good to take care of your body,
    30 pills each day is not so healthy..

  2. Yes. One day at a time. And finding friends is freaking hard. If you ever want to chat... I'm usually around.

  3. Whoah what? That stroke thing is crazy. BC is kind of messed up, isn't it? I tend to talk people's ears off too in the spring - I am like a hermit in the winter and don't wanna go out.

  4. I totally relate to the making friends thing - when I first moved out to Victoria I knew nobody besides my husband.... and ended up lonelier then I thought I would be. I got lucky in the end though as some friends from home moved out too. (And now we blog together....)

  5. That's how I felt when I went back to school. I was used to working everyday with my friends and all of a sudden I was alone all day. I didn't have really anyone to talk to day to day. It gets really disheartening after a while.

  6. Finding friends is the WORST in your twenties. I never had friends until like, last year, when we moved here. And even then I only made friends because they were "built in" with the whole fire thing. Sorry about all the birth control stuff, sometimes bodies suck. Like you said, a day at a time. I'm thinking of you friend.

  7. Ugh, finding friends is SO HARD! Finding GOOD friends is even harder!

    I had to stop taking my BC earlier this year for the same reason. I got pretty scared when the Dr told me it increased my risk for having a stroke.

    I've recently decided to stop taking my anti-anxiety meds, too (jeeze we have a lot in common right now!), and I'm so nervous about it... I haven't done it yet, just because I know how sucky just missing a day is!

  8. who takes 30 pills a day? i agree, that is not healthy.

  9. we do have a lot in common! missing a dose sucks. but my dr is gonna tell me how to wean myself off so it won't be cold turkey.

  10. thanks caitlin. thinking of you too with fire season being here.

  11. i love that you guys blog together!

  12. yea getting me to do anything in the winter is like dragging a kid out of a toy store kicking and screaming. ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic but i really need a kick in the ass to go out once in a while lol

  13. girl, why do you speak so much truth!?!

    I'm feeling uninspired with the sameness of my day's also pretty demanding so when I get home I'm beat. My job is pretty fun & something I've never done before but it doesn't leave me time like when I was unemployed. I dunno if I commented on your post where you were talking about all the free time when you didn't have a job & how you miss it but you're getting paid & aren't going insane anymore...b/c I feel that way too!

    I also can relate on the friend thing...I've been out of Virginia for 7 months ish...and I've met no one. We live in a small town, it's cold as crap out during the winter so I don't want to go anywhere, I work with a bunch of guys & the only women there aren't my age...I dunno how to meet people! I've tried looking for meet up groups & just feeling places out...but my hope is as it gets warmer I'll be able to do things to meet people. But it is nice to talk to someone beside yourself & your boo...I spend like hours on the phone with my old room mate now even though I am so not the 'endless phone conversation' type. always speak the truth & I can always relate! You make me feel like I'm not alone! Here's to hoping we can find some IRL peeps to hang with ;)

  14. Have your heard of a site called meetup? (or maybe it's an app, I can't remember). Anyway, I'm anticipating moving myself soon and was browsing this website - it let's people organize meetups in places based on interest. Not sure if your smaller town would have any activity on this site, but it's worth a look. I haven't decided if I'm actually going to be brave enough to meet strangers this way once I move, but it's definitely an interesting idea.

    I've found groups for introverts, movie-watchers, photographers, art museum goers. Basically you join each group and then get sent invites to their events. Then you can see who else is going and decide if you want to join. It actually seems like it'd be a pretty painless way to meet new people in a new town.

  15. i've heard of that website before and used it to find pug meetups when we had cyrus, but i'm too shy to go to one to meet people.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall