Sunday, April 28, 2013

Around Here: What the hell happened in Hemlock Grove?

This week was uneventful, but my sister decided to come up to visit for the weekend. And that means little Myla the pom got to meet her dog cousins! You can expect more cute pics later this week.

But earlier this week, we discovered a Netflix original series some of you may have already heard of, Hemlock Grove. I really wanted it to be cool because we LOVE binge watching shows like that. After all, Alexander Skarsgard's little brother, Bill, was in it (who by the way doesn't really look like him in the face, but is super tall like him and sometimes their voices sound the same. Still cute though!). But after each episode, I kept asking questions like..... um, what the fuck just happened? I was left confused at the end of each episode. So of course, my stubborn self wanted to keep watching so I could get answers to those questions, but before we knew it, we only had 3 episodes left to go....and I STILL had no idea what was going on.

I fucking hate when this happens! And it happens more than I'd like to admit...when a movie or show will go on and on until nearly the end before telling you ANYTHING at all. It makes me feel like I have a learning disability because maybe I missed something really obvious, and frustrated because I keep having to ask stupid ass questions.

But I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually want there to be a 2nd season to answer my thousands of questions!! It was interesting and creepy and cool though. I think I want to rewatch it now that I sort of know what to expect.


  1. I've been liking Hemlock Grove! But it is kind of confusing. I find myself wondering which character is which a lot of times and wondering who the hell they're talking about.

  2. we are giving it a 2nd chance and started re-watching while my sister was here so she could get into it and watch at home. but yea, the names of people and creatures were so hard to decifer. i wanted to put on subtitles so i was sure not to miss anything.

  3. I laughed when I read that because I also watched Hemlock Grove and right from the start I was like this is terrible...I can't decide which is worse, the acting or the the writers were trying to do a mix of Twin Peaks and Twilight and spending the entire budget of the show on special effects. But I kept watching anyway because it made no sense and I kept waiting for there to be answers!! The ending was just like WHAT? But I have to say that I wasn't surprised who the killer was in the end. The whole thing with the angel/baby/vampire/mother and son thing was like whatever though. And I also was like ok when's the 2nd season start?? Haha. I'll be glad if Famke whatever is not in the 2nd season though...don't think I could listen to another second of that horrible British accent. Seriously, how long has she been acting? It was atrocious.

  4. lol i hated famke too and her stupid kitten heel pumps. but i agree, the accent was gag inducing. but i feel the more i think about it, the more i like it....

  5. You did finish the season right? Because the last episode (and even the second to last) answered most of the questions I had. The only really questions I have left are about Shelley and about the creepy doctor guy in the White Tower. They both strike me as being not quite human.

    But the main mystery was solved (the identity of the killer - which I guessed halfway through anyway - lol) and we also finally learned for sure what the main characters were (angel/vampires and werewolves/vargals (or whatever they were called)). I didn't really feel that much was left unresolved really. I mean, we'll have to find out next season where Shelley's walking to (and also if she's human, which I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not). Also there's more to learn about the White Tower, but again, I feel like we learned enough to wrap this season up pretty well.

  6. HA HA HA. I heard it was no House of Cards. I'm sorry for your unanswered inquiries. :(

  7. I was really confused the whole time too, as were most of my friends that watched it, so you're not alone there. I decided early on it was like watching a wreck happen or something where you wonder why this terrible thing is happening and at the same time you can't look away.

    I've read a couple follow up articles that say it's done really well with subscriptions increasing, way better than with House of Cards, so it's likely they'll do another season since HoC got a second one.

  8. that's a great way to put it: a terrible thing is happening and you can't look away! perfect description lol


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Maira Gall