Monday, March 25, 2013

Podcasts are my new favorite thing

I'm totally late to jump on the podcast bandwagon because I hardly ever listened to my iPod before starting my job. But working 8 hours with no music or anything to listen to can make my job mind numbingly boring. So my husband turned me onto the Jay and Silent Bob Get Old podcast. It's hilarious and perverted and highly entertaining to listen to. It started in 2010 by Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) in order to help keep Jay off drugs, sort of like an ongoing intervention, and over 2 years later he is still doing these podcasts and Jay is still clean and sober.

I've always been a fan of Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob so it's really interesting to hear their story from how they met, to battling Jay's drug addiction to where they are now. I highly recommend this podcast if you're looking for something funny as hell. There's lots of talk about boners, poop, drugs, vaginas and sex so if that's not something you find funny, then skip it. But if it is your thing, you will love this podcast!

People at work probably think I'm either laughing at the sex offenders I'm searching through or just totally nuts for sitting there smiling at nothing and snorting because there are some moments where their ridiculous stories get me laughing so hard I start crying and have to stop listening for a few minutes to calm down. One of the stories that did this to me was about Jay flying in an airplane while being dope sick and having to poop while the plane was descending. Totally disgusting and hilarious.


  1. I am a big fan of Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes myself. I have every one of his movies. Except Jersey Girl... that doesn't count. LOL!

    I will have to look for this podcast! I had no idea! I thought those two were done!

    Have you watched Kevins show? Comic Book Men? It's kinda laaaaaaaaaaaaame.

  2. I guess I should give it a listen! :)

  3. I'll check that out. I downloaded every single episode of This American Life that ever existed, and am listening to them in order from the early '90s to the present. I'm at the second time George W was elected to be USA's president, so I've got about 80 left to listen to and then I'll need something else to occupy my bus rides.

  4. I've never been into podcasts, mostly because I couldn't find one I actually enjoyed. I do enjoy Jay & Silent Bob so I'll have to check it out. I really like that this was all created to help me quit drugs and it's actually helped!

  5. Thanks for the reccomendation! I've only ever listened to Ricky Gervais' podcasts, also funny :)

  6. I love that podcast! I also, like Susie, love Ricky Gervais' podcasts and I HIGHLY recommend The Nerdist Podcasts as well. The Nerdist Podcast gets some very "big" people on there and it's just awesome.

  7. Oooo I shall also check out the Nerdist!

  8. ooh thanks for the tip. i'll look into that podcast :)

  9. sweet thanks. i'll look that one up too :)

  10. woah sounds like a lot! i'll check that one out too!

  11. i haven't watched his show since i'm not big into comics, but i just might start because i enjoy him so much :)

  12. I'm finding that I'm slowly getting into podcasts as well... I don't do well listening to things when I'm working on the computer, but sometimes I'll pop one on when I'm doing stuff around the house. I might have to check this one out!

  13. I keep meaning to check out Jay & Silent Bob Get Old. I have a weak spot for Kevin Smith and used to sometimes listen to the regular old SModcasts. I think this is probably the nudge that I needed!

  14. Haha awesome!

    If you're looking for other things to listen to, check out Ricky Gervais's Guide to... audiobooks on iTunes. There are a few (Guide to Medicine, Guide to the Arts) where Ricky talks to Steve Merchant and this totally nutso guy Karl Pilkington who is unintentionally hilarious about various topics. SO FUNNY. We listened to them on a roadtrip and they made the ride go so quickly.

  15. OMG Ricky Gervais is the best!

  16. […] few weeks ago I talked about how I was listening to the Jay and Silent Bob Get Old podcast, and as much as I loved it then, it’s become repetitive with their stories now that […]


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Maira Gall