Tuesday, March 26, 2013

House Hunting Part 4

Here's the last few houses we were considering before our offer was accepted on the house we are getting.

We were in this house for not even 20 minutes before we found out that it already had a signed agreement of sale so we couldn't do anything but leave. We were totally bummed too because we were going to make an offer. The house was perfect. Brand new, a flip I think and the landscaping was like a blank slate to do with as we pleased. Great neighborhood, smaller yard but it was this house that made me realize I'd rather have a totally move-in ready house and a smaller yard than a big yard and an older, un-updated house.

Then the day before we saw this house below, which turned out to be in terrible shape inside. It makes me mad because if we had known how crappy the house was inside, we wouldn't have wasted our time and went to see the house above and probably woulda gotten it. The photos on the website didn't show just how terrible the condition of the house was. It's real easy to just not take a photo of the metal water pipes sticking out of the bathroom wall and into the living room and the bathroom door that was installed completely horribly wrong leaving chunks of the wall missing.

This whole house hunting process has been frustrating and irritating because Brian and I both drive separately to see these houses right after work and are wasting our gas and time. And most of the time I have a headache so all I wanna do is go home but we have to fight traffic to see these places only to be let down. We really wanted that top house. But ended up with an even better one :)


  1. Something I keep meaning to say is that all these househunting posts are fascinating because American houses are so different to UK ones!!

  2. They really are so different, they're enormous, too! It's funny how houses - such simple things - vary from country to country. I live in the UK, but my boyfriend is Dutch, and when we go to The Netherlands to see his family, the houses there look so different too!
    These houses you're looking at look really expensive - I'm very envious! On several levels. Given my mum's disability, my boyfriend and I CAN'T move out, so I'm particularly envious of you!

  3. They aren't too big. We didn't want a super big house because that means higher energy bills. But aren't expensive for the area though. especially compared to what it would have cost to buy a house when we were living in California, they are steals. that's part of the reason we moved back here to the east coast :)

  4. I would love to see the differences! I've never really taken a chance to see. That would be interesting :)

  5. Ugh, these posts make me dread house hunting :( I think it'll make my head explode.

  6. When we were house hunting in 2011, we learned really quickly what kinds of houses we wanted: Which was very little work needed. Nearly all the ones in our price range were complete dumps yet had HUGE yards. Ugh! So I totally know where you're coming from.

  7. for real! we also learned that right away that if you want space you will have to settle with a semi dumpy house but for smaller space you could get a brand new move in ready house. i didn't think i'd want that but i changed my mind rather quick :)


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Maira Gall