Monday, May 21, 2018

Lachlan at 2 and a half: AKA life with a funny, crazy, tiny human

(sorry it's so blurry! it's a picture of a picture)

It's been a while since I did one of these for Lachlan! I liked doing one a month before he was one year old, and now I'd like to do two a year to keep track of his development and what life is like with my silly little booger. He was exactly 2 and a half on May 15th.

So back around his second birthday, our pediatrician recommended we get him evaluated for a speech delay since he wasn't putting two words together. We did an eval, he passed all areas with flying colors, except the speech part which he scored around an 18 month level. Not that big a deal, but enough for him to quality for free speech therapy once a week in our home.

He LOVES his speech therapist, Amy. She's so sweet and great with him. When he knows she's coming, he runs to the front window to wait for her car and he will say, "Amy truck! Amy coming!" She can get him to play games that he'd have no patience with us to play (like Zingo). Anyway, he's been making great progress with her, and also I think just because he's getting older, he is finally just growing into himself. He was always a little bit behind when it came to walking so I figured it was natural for him to be behind with the speech. He came home from his trip to NY with his Dad saying A LOT more than before he left and it was probably just because he was around his young super talkative cousins. Now he talks so much and asks "what's that?!" all the time. There's still words that are unintelligible, which is what we're working on now...getting certain sounds to be more clear before he starts talking in longer sentences and then it's a big giant gibberish mess.

Anyway, let's see... Lachlan is:

29.5 pounds
About 36 inches tall
doing speech therapy once a week since January
going to music class once a week (paid for via his speech therapy, yay!)
can count to three
getting good at naming colors
talking much more, putting up to 3 words together, some words being 3 syllables (ex: ineapple, octopus)
able to go on the tall play structures at the playground alone without giving me a heart attack
more picky with foods but can at least request some foods or drinks that he wants
not potty trained yet. I think we need to wait till he's closer to three to be mentally ready
still taking one giant 3 hour nap a day
sleeping through the night like always
sleeping in a crib because we're not ready for that kind of independence yet with the twins coming, even though he can climb out when he wants
doing slightly better in restaurants. We have to make sure he's on the inside of the booth though
going to be a big brother! 

foods: spaghetti, tomatoes, apples, grapes, waffles, scrambled eggs, nuggets and ketchup, fries, nutrigrain fruit bars
drinks: juice and milk (we went down to 1%)
activities: going outside with his Dad, playing with the neighborhood kids, play-doh, coloring, playing guitar, pretending to vacuum, Facetiming with family, reading before bedtime
tv shows: Sesame Street, Clone Wars, Daniel Tiger, Dino Trux
toys: Fish, Bodhi, Baby Puppy, real tools, hot wheels cars, ride-on tractor, shopping cart

Funny things he did/does:
When we were moving and had packed up a shelf or photo from the wall, he'd point to the empty space where it was and say "brokey" because it was missing. If anything is amiss it's "brokey."
He likes to put his clear drum on his head like a space helmet and walk over to you and wants you to knock on it. He takes it off, says "hi" and puts his hand out so you can shake it, like a formal handshake. Then he says "bye" and puts the helmet back on and walks off.
He's always kissing, hugging, feeding or patting his toys. He's so sweet and caring and then 20 seconds later he's stomping on them on the ground saying "cry."
He likes to play this game with Brian where he says "doff" (which is a mix of down and off) and pushes Brian to the ground and then proceeds to step or jump on him (his nuts to be exact) like he's wrestling. He will even throw his entire body full force onto Brian's and he'll have to catch him or he would get hurt! He thinks this is hilarious.
He puts his finger up by his mouth tightly under his chin and points it at me and says "two cookies" or "no poop." I suppose I point my finger when telling him these things? That sounds dreadful if I do! The poop thing is because he can poop up to 4 times in the morning and one day I literally said, "ok, no more pooping"
He loves keys and hanging them on hooks
He's actually obsessed with hanging anything on a hook or doorknob
When we were moving into our new house, anytime he noticed a new picture hanging up he'd point with the biggest smile on his face and say "hook!"
He will pat my belly and say "babies"
He thinks it's funny to see someone's butt crack and will say "Daddy potty!" or "Mommy potty!"
If one of us has something he wants, he yells "SHARE" at us until we give it to him

Not so funny things he does, but we think are kinda funny anyway:
If he gets mad at one of us he yells, "NO! BYE!!" and throws himself to the floor
He said "shit" for the first time a few weeks back. I tried so hard to hide my laughing but he saw me and kept saying it for the laughs. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"
He's usually good in the shopping cart, but one day he was showing off for his Grandma and wanted out. He hung on to the handle of the cart with both hands, put his head back, and is just tall enough that his feet don't touch the floor so he glided around the store like that while I pushed the cart.

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Maira Gall