Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Lachlan's Taco Twosday Birthday Party

I can't believe this guy is two!!

Some quick 2 year stats:

Lach weighs 27 lbs
Can identify nearly all body parts on himself and other people
Can identify the main Star Wars characters
Can identify lots of objects and animals in books but still has yet to say them
Says buggy, please (peas), ball (ba), bubbles (bubba), fries, shoes (jjues), socks (doc), truck (guck), all done (ah daa), hi, bye-bye, uh-oh.

We had Lachlan's birthday last weekend. My parents are here and helped make a bunch of Mexican food, we rented a little kid bounce house for the backyard, and we had a pinata. I knew Lachlan would have a hard time taking turns whacking the pinata. He took a few whacks, and sure enough when it was someone else's turn to hit, he fell dramatically to the floor crying. It took him a while to warm up to the bounce house too. I don't know if the big kids inside overwhelmed him or what, but after a while he started having fun. But we had a good time other than that!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall