Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Yarn Along the Rockies 2017

About 2 weeks ago my mom (newly retired!) came out to visit and to do Yarn Along the Rockies with me! I was excited for this crawl since the one last year, but knowing she was coming with me this time made it so much more fun! 17 Colorado yarn shops surrounding the Denver area participated. We made it to 12 of those shops and bought a LOT of yarn. If you live in Colorado, I totally recommend you check this crawl out! (There's also a crawl waaaay up north near Loveland and Cheyenne called Hot August Knits Yarn Crawl).

I knew we weren't going to make it to all 17 shops because I didn't wanna push it, but maybe next year we will! Brian was really helpful in that he came with us on the first day to watch Lachlan, and he worked from home another day so we could bust out the Denver shops. So, thanks babe!

Day 1 we made it to the four Boulder shops. Brian came with us and watched Lachlan while we shopped. Then we went out to eat lunch when we were done. The most notable shop up here was Shuttles Spindles and Skeins. It was probably the largest yarn store I've ever been in. I think it was at one time two separate stores that they knocked the wall out between to join them into one giant yarn haven. And I bought the yarn for Lachlan's Flax sweater from Fingerplay studio, the first shop we stopped at.

Day 2 we went to all but 1 of the Denver shops. One of them didn't have any street parking available, so I swung back around (or so I thought) to look again, but we ended up semi-lost and I hate driving in the city so I quickly decided to bail on that one shop. It sucks because there's one blank space on my bag where the pin from that shop should be. It's going to drive me nuts! But my favorite Denver shops are probably Fabric Bliss and Lamb Shoppe. They have a lot of the colors I'm drawn to, so I got 3 skeins from Lamb Shoppe for the Kimba Shawl pattern, and the other two skeins were from Fabric Bliss.... one of which was a specially dyed yarn just for YATR by The Lemonade Shop! They will probably become socks.

Day 3 we went to the closest shops to my house, which my favorite shop here is Colorful Yarns. They have SO many trendy yarns in colors I love so I found the yarn for the 2nd Avenue pattern I want to knit here.

And day 4 we went to the Castle Rock shop. It was the farthest south I wanted to drive (maybe next year we'll do Colorado Springs). I bought the yarn I didn't buy last year and was kicking myself over ever since. This will be a squishy cowl, though I'm not sure if I want to knit or crochet it!

My mom made out pretty good too. Here's her stash:

We had a blast! And I got enough yarn for 3 out of the 4 patterns I wanted to knit over the next year (I'm slow). My mom's a crocheter but is going to re-teach herself how to knit. Fingers crossed we win one of the shop giveaways!


  1. Oh goodness, what a nice new stash! :) That Yarn along the Rockies sounds really cool!

  2. thank you! we had so much fun. i'm a slow knitter, but now that i have all this beautiful yarn, it's a motivator to go faster so i can cast on the next thing ;)

  3. So many knitting projects, so little time ;)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall