Tuesday, November 29, 2016

So much stuff. Let's catch up!

U.S. peeps, did you have a nice Thanksgiving? We did! And now the working out can begin. Whether I purposely waited to start the working out until after my 2nd most favorite holiday is just a lie I tell myself, I don't know. But what I do know is the time has come and I need to do something about this situation I have going on.

Oh, and before I get further into this post, it's Brian's birthday today!
Last week

My parents left Colorado yesterday and the house feels so empty, but we had a great 10 days. They want to maybe get a small house in the mountains someday after retirement and that would be so amazing to have them close by again. While they were here, some nights Brian and I took advantage of the fact that while they were "monitor-sitting," (our term for babysitting while the kid's asleep in bed), we could go out and do things like go to a movie, go to a bar, see a band play, go to Brian's hockey game with crochet, and NOT have to pay a babysitter. It was great!

We wanted to see Arrival but it was sold out so we half heartedly decided to settle on Bad Santa 2 since we loved the first one. And let's just say I'm glad we had free tickets because I would've been mad if we had to pay for that. Now, I'm not a prude, I love sex jokes just like anyone, maybe even more so if you actually know me. But this movie crossed the line into straight raunch. It was disappointing. It was like, instead of cashing in on a funny story, they pulled out every sick, disgusting, and vile thing you could ever think of and toss it in there. What wasn't so bad were the Qdoba quesadillas I snuck in for both of us in my backpack. Which was hard because they came on big platters so when we opened the lids, they had all smooshed down towards one side from standing upright in my bag. It didn't affect the taste though. And the theater seats reclined.

Sunday we went to my favorite craft and vintage market called Horseshoe Market. There's one held in Denver every season and the one on Sunday was their holiday market. I bought the cutest little moccasin booties for Lachlan. I was like, I don't even care how much they are, these are the cutest things ever, so early Christmas present for him. I even saw our local weather girl from Channel 7 news, Lisa Hidalgo shopping there, like right in front of me, but I was too shy to say anything.

Besides that, over the week, we went out to dinner with my parents a few times, I took my mom to my local yarn shop, Brian took my dad on a hike with Lachlan, went on a few walks around a few parks, had Lachlan's birthday party, visited the aquarium, and we hosted Thanksgiving. My mom cooked for everyone and made the most amazingly juicy turkey and stuffing. I was in heaven eating it even 2 days later. I really hate it when they leave. The first few days after they leave are always so sad.


Currently just fresh off my needles is the Barley Hat, which is my second time using double pointed needles, and I have to say, it's not as scary as I remember that last time. I actually ENJOYED it. I just finished it an hour ago after a dreadfully slow decreasing portion on those double pointed needles haha! But I fell in love with the yarn I made it with. A whole "What's on my needles" post to follow.

I just finished 738 Days which is about a girl who was kidnapped for said amount of days, and the only thing getting her through was focusing on a poster that was in her "room" with an actor on it. As a way to cope, he comes to life in her mind and talks to her to stay strong. A year after she escapes, they meet in real life and the book gets super steamy. I wasn't expecting it to be part erotica but it was a good story and now I hate that I want to read more YA smut.

Currently I'm reading In a Dark, Dark Wood and I haven't gotten very far yet but I think I'm going to like it. If not, I'm going to search Goodreads for my next YA smut read.


I finally signed him up for some gym classes. Yesterday the gym was offering to waive the $100 membership fee for Cyber Monday and I couldn't resist. I wanted to check out another gym first before I decided, but with a deal like that, it made the decision an easy one. His first class is


While my mom was here, he started to sort of kind of mimic her when she would ask, "What does the dog say? Woof Woof?" And he would quietly respond, "mmm mmm" in a high pitch hum, like he was to copying her answer. Yea, I know it wasn't talking but it's the first time he replied to a question with a response like that. It was pretty cute.


  1. Sneaking food into movie theaters is so satisfying. :D

  2. i know! and we had free tickets because brian won them as a work award. our AMC has reclining chairs, and assigned seats with your ticket. it's pretty sweet.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall