Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Our Fourth of July Weekend

We had a nice Fourth of July weekend. Brian had off on Friday.

On the 4th, we walked down the street to the annual parade. The sidewalks were full of people and we couldn't walk through with our stroller, so we took to the street since the parade hadn't started yet. There were a bunch of other people walking too. And it wasn't until we started looking around and saw that every little kid was on a bike, that we realized we were crashing the kids parade that came right before the main parade! Ops! We found a spot on the grass and set up our chairs to watch the parade.

Later we BBQ'd some steak and corn and headed over to our friend's block party like we did last year, and the kids lit off little firecrackers and poppers in the street. I'm glad we didn't go to our town's actual fireworks event because Lachlan HATED the little firecrackers. When they first few went off, he happened to be drinking from his bottle and he nearly choked as he screamed out. He cried as hard as if he were getting his it was the ultimate worst/fearful/terrifying thing for him. We didn't want the kids to end their fun, so we quickly headed home.

Lots of people in the neighborhood were setting illegal fireworks off so it sounded like we were under attack in a war zone. Mabel was really scared but Monty didn't seem to mind. Thankfully, most of the neighbors lighting them off obeyed the noise ordinance at least, ending the fireworks at or near 10 pm. Last year, since the holiday landed on a weekend the noise went into the wee hours of the morning, but I think because there were people who had to work the next day, they played by the rules for once which was nice.

As usual, the holiday weekend went by way too fast!

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Maira Gall