Friday, July 29, 2016

8 months

14 days late but here we go!

This month Lachlan:

Weighs 20 lbs
His top two teeth cut through
Celebrated his first Independence Day
Went to his first parade
Wore his first pair of real shoes
Hates fireworks
Got his first tree swing
Took his first airplane ride and vacation to the beach
Met his other set of Grandparents
Met his Great Grandma
Met another Aunt and Uncle
Met all his cousins
Went on his first kiddie boardwalk ride (ferris wheel) with Daddy

Lessons learned this month:
My short term memory is still shit and will probably stay that way forever. Coming to terms with it.


  1. how cute! He sure did a lot of things :)
    the short term memory is the worst! I went to a store today just for one thing, so I didn't write it down, the second I walked in the door I was completely confused by what I went for. took a good 10 minutes of wandering to figure it out. :/

  2. dude! i KNEW we needed wet dog food but because i didn't write it down, the dogs don't have any wet food for their kibble. cheese it is then : i even went to the store twice this week and yet there's always something i'm forgetting lol


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall