Friday, April 22, 2016

Life lately: Snowstorms, and books, and colds

Man, so if you follow me on Instagram, you saw we got slammed with a heavy spring snow storm last weekend. I went outside three times to bang the snow off the tree limbs I could reach to help avoid more breakage. And now my wrists are killing me again! Do you remember back when Lachlan was just born and I had to get steroid injections in my wrists for De Quervain's tendonitis that developed in my third trimester? Well, the steroid worked wonders and I've been pain free ever since, until this snowstorm when I helped with shoveling and tree shaking, so I think I agitated them and am going to have to go back in for more shots. I'll wait another week or so to see if it goes away but I really doubt it. You don't realize just how much you use your hands and wrists until they hurt every second you're doing something with them.

Now that we have established a bedtime routine (usually anytime between 6 - 730pm) I'm really enjoying having that time to myself where I'm not ready to face smash into a pillow myself, so I've been reading (and drinking wine in bed haha). Right now I'm almost finished with Singularity and my very first OwlCrate is due to arrive today so I can't wait to see what book I got. Also, I reserved The Serpent King from the library. I see so many instagrammers with gorgeous bookish accounts talking about this book.

Speaking of, I've been living vicariously through some of these AHMAZING Instagram book feeds (ie: bookwormboutique, bookotter, bookriot, lottelikesbooks) . Like, wow, totally gorgeous curated and positioned photos. It looks delicious. Besides the prettiness, it reminds me of all the free time I used to have but never took advantage of so like I said, I'm enjoying living vicariously through these people.

I've also been knitting and crocheting more. I can knock a small project out in one day when I have Brian around to take care of Lachlan. Brian's' been going on work trips at least once a month and it's been challenging. The last one he went on was only 2 nights instead of 4 so I appreciate that. But being a solo parent while he's gone is so exhausting. The last thing I want to do is make dinner so when I discovered that Jimmy Johns delivers (and SO super fast too), I ordered from them one of the nights he was gone. They must have arrived 10 minutes later. It was impressive.

And finally, we were all sick over the last two weeks. Lachlan had his first cold, which turned to an ear infection, which turned to mild diarrhea from his antibiotics for the ear infection, which turned to diaper rash. So he fared the worst but we are all better now. He was not a happy person, poor guy. I still have residual snot that will probably stick around for another 2 weeks - yay. But it's supposed to be in the high 70s this weekend so that's what I'm currently looking forward to.

Much like my brain lately, this was so rambly! Oh, and Happy Earth Day!

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Maira Gall