Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Favorite Newborn Must-Haves (and Must-Nots)

We made it through the "fourth trimester" and are officially out of the newborn stage. Here's a list of my favorite products that we used for age 0-3 months that I would recommend to new moms. And below that, a list of things I didn't use or like.

Sleep :: Rock-n-play, SwaddleMe
The Rock-n-play has an incline which helps with reflux.
The SwaddleMe keeps babies from waking up from the startle reflex while sleeping.

Eat :: Medela Pump In Style Advanced, Flannel burp clothes (thick ones)
I am an exclusive pumper and highly recommend this pump and all the bottle accessories.
I love these thick burp clothes. You could even use cloth diapers. I didn't like the thin terry cloth ones.

Play :: Fisher Price Rainforest Melodies and Lights Gym Mat
Babies can't really do anything yet so mine enjoyed watching the lights and animals on this play mat a lot.

Wear :: Sleep and Play Zipper Footies
Whatever you do, don't get buttons or snaps, arghh! Zippers are easier and quicker.

Go :: Graco Travel System, Moby Wrap, Small diaper bag
The travel system comes with a stroller base that the car seat can click into so it's easy to transfer from car to stroller. These systems can be heavy though.
Baby wearing was fun and enjoyable for us with the Moby wrap.
For quick trips, I wanted to bring a small diaper bag with me instead of the whole big one.

All items can be found at Babies R Us. And your insurance should cover the cost of a Medela pump.

What I didn't end up liking or using
We haven't used the crib yet other than a place to put him while I pump
Diaper Genie (no better than a garbage with a lid only more annoying to refill)
Tummy time mat. You can do tummy time anywhere lol, but I did like the little pillow it came with to stick under his chest to help keep him up a little.
Pack N Play with Newborn Napper (baby didn't wanna sleep flat and outgrew napper portion after 2 months, but will try this again when Lachlan is mobile)
A hard bath tub (we had to line ours with towels so he would feel secure from slipping down)
Dreft (does nothing for poop stains, just get Tide Free and Clear)
Most diaper bags come with a diaper changing pad. The soft terry ones got stained with poo so I recommend one that has a plastic top you can just wipe down or even disposable ones that you can just throw away when they get dirty.
I didn't like using Enfamil's Vitamin D "drops" as it was an entire syringe full and tasted awful. I liked Baby D drops instead, which were actually just one drop.
Lachlan doesn't like sitting in the Ergo carrier, but we will try this again when he's older and can face outwards.


  1. Love how you broke this down! :)

    I agree with you on the carriers -- the Moby was the best for me too when Myles was little. Even with the infant "insert" in the Ergo, it was just TOO much and he didn't feel secure to me. I feel like the Moby wrap gives them more of a secure/hugged feeling. When the Moby got too annoying to wrap, I switched to a ring-sling and LOVED that. I could get it on and off a lot faster than the Moby or even the Ergo. I used a ring sling up till probably 1 year, and the Ergo more after 12 months.

  2. Good list! Our Rock n' Play sleeper was the best investment we made! Cooper slept in it for MONTHS. And YAY for zip-up sleepers!

  3. did you have a hard time transitioning cooper to the crib? we're worried it's gonna be hard for us since lachlan loves his rocker SO much lol

  4. i'd love to try a ring sling evntually. they definitely look easier to put on than the moby wrap!

  5. Not gonna lie. The first few nights were rough. Granted we started late. he was I think 9 months old when we moved him. But after the hurdle it was amazing. He started sleeping through the night and we got our space back. One night we just decided we can NOT put this off anymore and just did it.

  6. i get you on wanting your space back! we removed the pack n play since we only used it to change him and it was taking up so much space. the rocker is smaller so it's not as bad, but he wakes up talking (not urgent) and wakes us up too so we want to put him in his own room. we tried it once and he woke like every 2 hours instead of 4-5 like he usually does in the rocker. and his naps are only 30 mins in the crib too. i wish they made these rockers for large children haha

  7. SwaddleMe's are the best. We still used them with my daughter even after she starting rolling over (just keeping her arms out) because the tightness of it helped her sleep so soundly through the night. And we didn't use the crib for the first four or five months. We began transitioning her to sleep in her nursery around then as she was sleeping through the night more often than not. But it definitely just sat around for months.

  8. I'd add a good rocking chair! I spent many hours in ours.

  9. i realized i shoulda added one after i already made the collage lol. laziness.

  10. The Fisher Price gym mat is on my wishlist, I'm glad you like it! I just love the bright colors and cute animals

  11. they really are cute! the animals come off too, and lachlan especially likes to grab and eat the tucan lol


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Maira Gall