Sunday, March 6, 2016

Good Things v. 2

This week I realized that my limit for staying at home is 3 days in a row. We go out on weekends, and I'll go for walks or short trips to stores during the week to get out, but by Wednesday I'm already dying to go out to dinner or socialize with other adults (and that usually includes enjoying an alcoholic beverage too haha). Before Lachlan, I hated going out and socializing. What is happening to me?!

Steak dinner and the Oscars on Sunday
Ate an egg mcmuffin in the car while Lachlan slept on Monday
Took a nice walk on the trails on Tuesday
Had Mexican food and a strawberry margarita for dinner on Wednesday
Lachlan looks so cute in his sunglasses on Thursday
Our new furniture arrived on Friday
Got my Stitch Fix on Saturday

What good things happened to you this week?


  1. I've definitely learned to appreciate adult time since becoming a mom. It's so necessary to remain sane! I think my favorite things this week are getting invited to work on a podcast episode, catching up with a friend I hadn't seen in a month, and the weather warming up a bit as spring approaches. I'm so ready for all the snow to melt.

  2. oh the podcast sounds like so much fun! what's the name?

  3. Common Room. They discuss a huge number of topics, focusing a lot on geek pop culture.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall