Sunday, February 28, 2016

Good Things v. 1

How's that for a blog-worthy photo? Ha!

I've seen a few posts like this floating around, listing things that people are grateful for or happy about and I thought it would be a good thing for me to do regardless of how crappy or hard a week it was because happiness is a good emotion to document!

Finding the most perfect drapes for our room on Sunday
Getting to use the fireplace on a cloudy Monday
Getting dinner out with friend's on Tuesday
My sister's birthday on Wednesday
Lachlan looked cute as hell in his first pair of overalls on Thursday
We painted our bedroom on Friday
We hiked up a trail and ate the most delicious BBQ on Saturday

Leave your list of good things in the comments.


  1. This is excellent! Topping my good list this week would be an unplanned D&D session squeezed in mid-week, and having a 'girls day out' with my best friend and our daughters today. We drove to The Children's Museum of New Hampshire and had a ball!

  2. that sounds fun! it's always the unplanned things that turn out to be the most fun :)

  3. Love the knitting!! And babies in overalls, I don't think there's anything sweeter :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall