Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Exploring Colorado: Kenosha Pass

We finally got to see the ever popular changing of the leaves here in Colorado. When we tried to go last year, traffic was literally stopped for miles so we u-turned the hell out of there and went home. But we went early enough in the year, and left early enough in the morning this year to bypass traffic and got there in record time.

Kenosha Pass is at about 10,000 feet elevation, so as soon as I started walking around I felt like I was going to drop dead so our stay didn't last very long. This pic was obviously before I felt like death.

But it was so beautiful!


  1. You are right.... this is beautiful!!!

  2. Aw, that makes me think of Santa Fe! I was always amazed at how gorgeous the foliage could be even with just one color.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall