Thursday, September 10, 2015

Deep thoughts about gestating

I'm sitting here, 31 weeks pregnant, baby clothes are getting their first wash with baby safe detergent in the laundry, and I'm still having a hard time believing that in less than 9 weeks an entirely brand new member of our family (and the human race) will be here. 31 weeks ago, he didn't exist. Now he does. A tiny human that's half me and half Brian, that we saw as a cell at 5 days post fertilization under a microscope, that has been kicking/kneeing/elbowing me reassuringly in the ribs for the last few weeks causing me to wince in surprise and ticklish pain, that's grown at an exceptionally fast rate in the grand scheme of things.

Being pregnant has been such a crazy, awesome, scary, weird, terrifying, emotional, and fulfilling ride. Going into it, I of course knew there would be shitty pregnancy symptoms, but I never knew that I'd have an especially hard time with digesting my food for 2 hours after anything I ate, or that sitting in a car for more than 3 minutes could be considered a mild form of torture, or that I'd get sore joints in my hands when I first wake up in the morning, or that I'd have to drink SO MUCH DAMN WATER. The water! Having headaches? Drink water. Having braxton-hicks? Drink water. Feeling tired? Drink water. Already peeing 50 times a day? Drink water. I also realized just how much my husband knows me and can predict my moods and reactions better than I can. He's been nothing short of amazing/tolerant/patient with me this entire time. He's going to be such an awesome dad.

I haven't had any strangers try to touch my bump, but I've had 2 of them nicely ask me if I was pregnant (very brave, they were), and offer me congratulations. I also notice that anywhere I go, especially baby-centered stores, other pregnant women's line of sight goes something like this: eyes, baby bump, eyes. We just automatically seem to compare bumps or something. It's funny. And then I get insecure about my bump, like what if my bump isn't big enough for how many weeks I am? Is something wrong with me or him? But every time I go to my midwife, I'm measuring right on track. I do feel like I look smaller than most 31 weekers, but everyone's body is different. I'm still waiting for all the weight to pack on in this last trimester, but up until this point, I've gained 12 pounds.

I'm about to hire a doula, though I'm pretty sure it's going to be the lady who teaches our childbirth education class. I know people will laugh and doubt me, but I want to labor as long as I can without any pain meds. Mainly because I don't want to be tethered to an IV and a bed, but also because I want to see what my body can do. But even above that, it's because I want to take back the power in birth that was taken away from me in our far from natural IVF conception. Of course I will be ok with anything it takes to get him here safely - medications, csection or otherwise, and I certainly don't judge ANYONE who chooses these options - but man, if I could actually do this on my own it would mean so much to me.

Since this baby is most likely going to be our one and only based on what we had to go through to get him here, I'm trying to enjoy all the milestones and rights of passage I get to have as a pregnant lady. I actually laughed after the first time I puked from morning sickness, I pulled the pregnancy card on more than one occasion, I take weekly bump shots to remember each week, I've splurged on onesies he will probably only wear twice because it said something funny, I want to have those newborn photos taken right away at the hospital and then again at 2 weeks when he's a little pile of mushy baby and can be posed in those really cute positions (and guess what this year's Christmas card will be?). I want to remember this baby bump and all the moments of pregnancy, even the crappy and gross ones, because this will be the only time I'll get to experience it and I'm a super sentimental person.

So with that said, we have all the gear, we are taking all the classes, we heard all the horror stories of birth and parenting.....WE JUST NEED A NAME!

It's gotten to the point that it's been plainly "overthunk." Yup, that's my own word. The sounds the names make when they come out of my mouth don't make any sense anymore. I say them out loud at least once a day to see how it sounds to my ears, and all I hear is "AAAAAAAAAAAA" or "blurggggggggghhhblurggggggghhh." We do have about 3 names we really like, but gees, choosing someone's identity is really hard work and the last thing we want to do is come home from the hospital with him and be like, ahhhh crap I think we shoulda gone with the other name! So yea, right up there on the list of stressors to come, like the excruciating pain of childbirth, is choosing a name haha.


  1. I really am so excited for you. When he comes out it will add a whole new dimension to your life and to this experience of's truly amazing. And whether you go unmedicated or medicated, remember that your body is still doing this and YOU are still doing this. "Medicated" doesn't mean easy, neither does c-section. None of those are "the easy way out" or taking a's still childbirth! I was medicated and still in quite a bit of pain (and I had to work fucking HARD for 4.5 hours to push Amelia out. Lots of crying and controlled breathing, haha!) I understand what you mean about taking power back, inasmuch as I can understand having not gone through what you have, but just know that no matter how this turns out you can be pretty damn proud of yourself and your body. <3

  2. I don't think anyone will laugh when you say you want to go un-medicated. I think it's a great choice! I did the same thing, and it turned out just fine. I was completely open to other options if the need arose, but I went into with an 'I can do this' attitude, and knew I wanted to try my hardest to do it entirely on my own, and I did! I did end up with an IV after the birth, but that was due to blood loss and they wanted more fluids in me. But all in all, I stuck to my 'birth plan' which consisted of "have baby, try not to need meds". Wishing you all the best for your birth experience - and picking a name! :)

  3. Exciting stuff! I am like you. I want to remember every nuance of being a Mom. I adopted rather than experienced childbirth. There is some regret that I was never pregnant - and a lot of questions about whether or not I could have become pregnant anyhow. That said, I have missed nothing else besides those nine amazing months. I even savor her unreasonable teen behavior and the resultant arguments because I know - all too soon - I will have a reasonable and capable adult child who no longer really needs me.
    Enjoy every second. They are all gifts.
    Oh, and regarding a name - you'll know it the first time you lay eyes on him.
    Love Noodles

  4. thanks! we are getting closer each day to a name. i guess i'm just waiting for my husband to be fully on board with my top pick :)

  5. good luck with finding his name! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, it'll come to you. My second daughter had a completely different name for 4 hours after she was born, I changed it after staring at her, luckily you don't have to fill out the certificate right away :)

  6. haha that's actually good to know! i was kind of worried about having to fill it out right away and then changing our minds.

  7. You are doing great and will do great in delivery! Whatever option(s) you decide is the right one for you. I went without drugs by choice - I am just not a fan of them. I remember worrying I didn't want him to go past his due date. He kindly agreed and decided to come 5 days early for me! We also went through a whole list of names. My friend gave us a great idea, other than just speaking the name. Yell the name down the hallway or yell it up or down the stairs. It really helped us, it sounds different once you yell it!

  8. I love this post. I am so happy for you & looking forward to seeing a photo of your new little man :)

  9. There's nothing funny or absurd about your choice. I had a completely intervention free birth and it was awesome. (I also had a doula, and, funny, she was our prenatal class instructor as well. Now she's my mentor and dear, dear friend, too.) Your birth story is yours. It might go sideways, it might go exactly as you wish it to go. Either way, at the end of it all, like Caitlin said, you have so much to be proud of. You're amazing. What you've done is amazing. What you're about to do is amazing. :)

  10. haha i've definitely tried yelling them too. i heard about that.

  11. Great post, you are bringing back some memories for me! There are some things I wish I'd paid more attention to when I was pregnant, and appreciated more. Having said that, there were certainly things I did obsess about, and now laugh at myself because they seemed so inconsequential after the fact.
    If people give you a hard time about planning to go natural, don't listen to them. I sincerely believe there is some mind over matter involved here, and if you have resolved in advance to go natural, your chances of doing so are much better, especially if you have a doula to support you in managing pain without meds. On the other hand, if you do require other interventions, and people then want to give you a hard time - don't listen to them again! Whatever it takes to get your babe safely in your arms. But you already knew that ;)
    Good luck!

  12. I'm so proud of you, Leeshy! This post just about made me cry. Sending you lots of love leading up to the big day. Can't wait to meet the little guy and see you and Bri!! xoxo


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Maira Gall