Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What's on my hook: Cloud pillow and newborn aviator hat


It's been almost 5 months since I last posted a crochet project because I just haven't felt like crocheting! At all. I was s.l.o.w.l.y finishing my lumpy cloud pillow since first getting pregnant, but it was so much bigger than I anticipated that it felt like a hated chore to finish. Blahhhh.

So I finally just bit the bullet and finished it last week when I saw I only had 20 rows to go. And somewhere along the way, I lost 10 rows. I guess my little row counter that was keeping track for me got messed up somewhere over the months. I'm freakin pissed it looks so lumpy especially after taking FOREVER to finish it.

Whatever. It's done! End of story.

And then a few days later, feeling freshly inspired having that huge project off my back, I made a little aviator hat for baby boy. I have no idea if it will fit as my gauging is always off, but it sure is cute and I may want to incorporate in in our newborn photoshoot.


  1. The hat is soooo cute, fingers crossed it fits, love the cloud too.
    Clare x

  2. Both came out great! That hat is adorable and I can imagine Baby Habitual Home Body in it.
    Love Noodles

  3. Love them both. That hat is just the cutest!

  4. Ahhh that baby hat is adorable! Those are my favorite crochet projects, hats are so easy. I'm the same way with big projects, I've lost track of how many blankets I've started and never finished because it's like a chore. Instant gratification, yes please. =)

  5. The cloud pillow is so cute!!! I love it! I'm pinning it! I also love that hat!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party


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Maira Gall