Sunday, July 19, 2015

Weekly Snaps (and inconsequential chatter)

1. Newsboy hat
2. Off Fridays
3. Dusk walk
4. Cool rock path

This week we went to a friend's BBQ where we met some new couples. It's totally like dating, when you want to make new friends with other couples, you get their cell numbers and aren't sure when to text them. You don't want it to be too soon but you don't want it to be too late either or you risk them forgetting you. I did text them but haven't heard back.

Friday we spent the day cleaning and organizing the garage. Brian bought some wood shelving and brackets and installed them on the back wall of the garage. We moved the metal rack we had there down into the laundry room to make more room for STUFF. The garage looks SO much better.

Saturday we went to the most hilariously pathetic German Fest of all time in a nearby park. I should've known it would've been bad since it's July, and most of the better German/Octoberfests are in the fall so I'm not really sure why they even held it this weekend. We had to pay a $6 cover to gain access to the food tent so I ended up eating a $16 schnitzel. The food was good though. What was the most disappointing was that it advertised arts and crafts and I love walking around looking at all the stuff people bring to sell at these fests, but there were only 10 vendors, and 8 of them were for insurance and roofing companies and chiropractors. There were literally only 2 "craft" booths. Lame-o! Thankfully we ran into some friends and stayed a while to hang out. Otherwise we would've left after 30 minutes.

And then today, I've spent the day trying to figure out how to get my Foodie Pro theme to work for me. I'm using it now, but I wanted to get my posts to show up more condensed so more will show on the main page, but when I do that, the page navigation to older posts doesn't work. So damn frustrating.

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© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall