Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weekly Snaps (and inconsequential chatter)

1. Reading crochet mags outside
2. A little bow for Little Bo
3. Easter dogs in Easter crochet
4. The start of a new project

You know what sucks? When you have a giveaway and you email the winner and they don't respond back. So you pick a new winner and email them, and they don't respond back. I'm disappointed and I give up. I'm pretty confident that giveaways on this blog will be a thing of the past. I don't even know if I want to even chose a third winner and have to deal with the same thing happening. It's embarrassing. So how's this? For anyone reading this, leave a comment on this post and I'll randomly pick someone to win the 3 month tea subscription but you HAVE to reply to my email today or it's all over. Winner claimed their prize. Thanks!

Anyway, last night we had some folks over for a pre-Easter BBQ. It was a pretty fun time. As the night wore on, things got crazy and people were drinking Jack and falling in pricker bushes and it was pretty hilarious and extremely loud. I'm pretty sure we pissed off the neighbors but I don't really care. Anyone with a dog around here (which is about 98% of people) leaves them outside to bark when they aren't home which can reach up to hours at a time. It sounds like a goddamn doggie daycare. So I considered it payback.


  1. Total tea lover! Have been thinking about monthly tea box subscription but have t gotten around to it yet,

  2. Yay tea! PS those pups are adorable in their Easter best.

  3. Holy heck, tea! And it sounds like you know how to do easter right, lol!

  4. Ugh, that sucks about people not responding. :(

  5. Who doesn't answer emails if they've won free shit? Crazy talk. As a tea lover, that'd be a great win! Jealous of your lovely spring'll get to NH eventually! :)

  6. Tea is awesome! :)

  7. I would totally respond to your email for free tea! So jealous of your outside crochet mag reading, I think our weather might get there in a few weeks!

  8. is it still open?! I saw your original post but didn't comment at the time, but I would LOVE this for my mother in law for her birthday ;) I respond quickly :)

  9. Haha, I always get too nervous about our music being too loud cause we're in a half duplex and it's just a little old lady beside us. She hasn't complained yet...but it's not even summer yet ;)

    Is the giveaway still open? I live in Canada though so even if it is, was it open to international people too?

    I can't wait to learn to crochet, those bunny ears and the flower collar are SOOO cute!

  10. I was totally one of those people obsessively watching over the rafflecopter and getting more and more excited when it changed people increasing my chances to win. Don't give up!:] *hugs* Perhaps people had a busy Easter day.

    I love when you post pictures of your dogs, they are just so darn cute!

  11. Love me some tea! So weird they wouldn't respond to your email.

    Love your doggies in their Easter costumes... hehe :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall