Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reader Survey Results

Thank you so much guys, for filling out my reader survey! I really enjoyed reading your responses. The detailed results are below, but here's just a real brief summary in case you don't wanna go through it all because it's really long:

  • 52 of you filled out my survey so that's what these results are based on

  • You like my personal posts the best

  • 100% of you are female

  • Most of you are between age 25-34

  • 56% of you never leave comments

  • 71% of you crochet

So here are the reader survey results:

Why do you read Habitual Homebody?

There were so many responses so here's just a few!

  • "Your posts are always so funny and honest. I love seeing your dogs! While I haven't struggled with infertility, I enjoy reading your posts on your journey because it's not something I know much about. Because of your insight, I have a much better idea of how to be supportive if someone I know has a similar struggle."

  • "Hi Last week I decided I wanted to learn how to crochet. I love it and was searching also on Pinterest and saw your videos. You taught me how to crochet. Thank you so much girlfriend. I'm now going to have a crochet tea lunch with other friends who can inspire me and show me how to read the patterns."

  • "So many reasons. The crochet posts inspire me to crochet more often. We both have infertility issues(I have PCOS). Our love of dogs, nature, and occasional use of the word fuck. Lol."

  • "I think we have a lot in common so I like to hear what you are up to. I like how real your writing is - how you share stuff about anxiety and your infertility issues."

  • "Because I'm invested :) I feel like you're my friend even though we've never met. I love your Doggies."

  • "I think (?) I got here because of the crochet, but I stayed for the fertility stuff. That sounds really creepy... The fertility things are applicable to my life, is what I meant."

  • "I have been reading for a while, from the pug days, loved the crochet along but love everything else too. :)"

  • "I enjoy your posts I don't crochet but hope to one day and like seeing what you make. I also have my fingers and toes crossed for your IVF :) you just seem like a lovely person and I like reading your posts"

  • "You're my internet pal!"

  • "The authenticity and honesty with which you write. It feels very human and relate-able."

  • "I like the craft stuff, the dogs, the personal element, the fact you don't pretend to have have some unbelievable perfect life. I'm rooting for you but also learn from you. I love your crochet and your attitude!"

  • "I've followed you for a few years now, and I love keeping up and seeing how you're life has changed."

  • "It's diverse and you write very well"

  • "I love your hook work and am anxiously following your infertility journey. Praying for a baby!"

  • "I like the variety of your posts, from personal to crafty to fun links. Reading your blog is like catching up with an old friend."

  • "You're real and funny. I enjoy reading your take on things. Also like the crafty posts."

  • "I've been reading for years! I like how relatable and honest you are. I find myself rolling my eyes at lots of bloggers. I find you to be refreshing amongst all the staged content and lives most present to their readers. Keep doing what you're doing!"

Any other features or topics you'd like to see more of?

  • "A revival of the monthly CAL would be good, even if it was bi monthly or quarterly!"

  • "Patterns. Loved the crochet along but anything similar would be fun too."

  • "I only say I'm not interested in certain stuff because I can't access it from the uk. I get why you post it. Good luck with your survey results!"

  • "Nope, but I'm not opposed to new things either."

  • "More great American scenery!"

  • "More with those cute kiddos"

What would make HH a better blog for you?

  • Not really into subscription boxes but understand your having to promote them

  • Just be yourself.

  • I think you're doing fine :)

  • I always like more personal stuff on blogs.

  • Keep doing what you're doing!

  • More posts! Haha, I know that's hard which is why I usually only check a few times a month so that I have more posts to catch up on.

Answers to your questions:

What crochet tools do you use, hooks etc?
My favorite hooks are the Clover Amour Crochet Hook Set of 10 that comes in a little green pouch. I got it from Amazon. I don't care if I sound like a hook snob, but I will never go back to plain unpadded hooks again!

Which yarns are your favorites and where do you purchase them?
My favorite yarn tends to change as I discover new ones over time, but currently my favorites are:
-Knit Picks Chroma fingering weight (from knitpicks.com). The colors are WOW!
-Deborah Norville Everyday Soft Worsted Solids (from joann.com). The texture is incredibly soft and it's very affordable.
-Knit Picks Shine Worsted (from knitpicks.com). The color options are beautiful and plentiful!

Based on your neck x-ray, have you ever talked to your dentist about your wisdom teeth?
I've actually thought about it, but have a HUGE fear of the dentist, so until they start hurting me, they will stay right where they are. Especially now, with all the baby preparations and interventions being done to my body, I don't wanna even go there. I know that's a bad way to think and it's bad for me, but I'm over being poked with needles lol

Have you ever tried knitting?
Yes! I tried and failed miserably last summer but I am ready to try again. Hands Occupied is starting a series of marvelous knitting video tutorials for newbies called Knewbies. I'm enjoying it!


  1. How fun that so many participated! I did, too and I saw my answer down there! Yay! Been following along from the old days and love watching your funny, crazy, honest life!

  2. I normally think to ask this on most blog surveys that allow for questions, but totally forgot to ask you! Would you be willing to share your favorite blogs to follow? I always like seeing what other people are reading and checking out new blogs! :)

  3. oh man, there's so many i read! but here's a few faves off the top of my head:
    crochet/crafty blogs:
    a creative being
    all about ami
    little things blogged
    hands occupied

    lifestyle blogs:
    my life as a teacup
    five sixteenths
    the homesteady
    our nerd home

  4. I love your blog! I just found it last month while searching for crochet blogs. Been hooked since ;) I'm the one who left the third comment, also. Thank you for sharing parts of your life, and keepin' it real. Your page has quickly become my favorite. Hugs to you from Indiana!


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall