Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bookmark Dump: Pie crusts, Disney princesses, and blogging ideas

Hey guys! So I got a new laptop, only I actually hate it so I'm going to return it and get another one with Windows 7 because Windows 8 is a fucking nightmare. It actually made me cry at one point. But I also don't physically like the laptop I got. It's too big and wide and the touch pad isn't in the center and it really pisses me off. So I'm going to use this one till I return it....unless it grows on me in the meantime. I don't know.

Also, I had my embryo transfer on Monday. It went perfectly! I'll share my experience if we get good news in a few weeks. Thank you to everyone who left me comments on Instagram!
How to disable the Windows 8 gesture that activates the charm bar
With the frustration of Windows 8, I found a tutorial on how to disable that annoying as hell Charm menu that pops up every time your finger swipes from left to right, which is like every 2 seconds. Even though I disabled it in Windows it would still show up (diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick), but this tutorial works with your mouse's options.


  1. I hope you get your laptop woes sorted soon!!

  2. We are currently laptop shopping...ugh. Hope yours works out soon! I've had those no-bake energy bites pinned for ages, and still never made them. I should get on that.

  3. I know it's irrational, but part of the reason I'm limping my old HP along is because of Windows 8. I am irrationally afraid of it, especially since I didn't handle the change from the previous Windows to Windows 7 well either. Maybe we're just getting old? I'm only kidding - however understand your pain.

  4. There are ways to not even look at the windows 8 portion. The main one being that link I posted about deactivating the stupid charms sidebar. Once that stopped, I started to like my computer so now I'm going to keep it afterall.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall