Friday, November 22, 2013

Bookmark Dump: Sleeping giraffes, sad Etsy boyfriends, and Star Warssugar cookies

Thank you guys for your supportive words about the layoff. I know shit like this happens all the time to people. You never think it will happen to you, and then boom, your life gets shaken up and you are forced to fit the pieces back together in any way you can. I'll post more again once there's more to know. But things are still up in the air. However, they're not as scary as we thought just a week ago. Things are at least moving along in a positive direction...

Anyhow, enjoy this week's dump!

Sad Etsy Boyfriends. I both enjoy and pity them.

70 things I've learned from writing 1000 blog posts.
There's some pretty good words of advice and tips in here.

Another one for the ol crock pot: Crock pot corn chowder.

I'd like to try this pom pom border on my next crochet blanket.

I want these Star Wars cookie cutters!
I wish I actually liked baking more than chocolate chip cookies. This looks too hard lol.
This never fails to make me laugh my ass off. Remember this guy?


  1. I LOVE those cookie cutters!! Excellent :)

  2. I didn't get a chance to comment your last post, but I definitely read it. I'm glad to hear things are moving in a positive direction and I hope they continue to do so.

  3. oh my gosh! I was featured on Etsy Boyfriends one time - I needed a boy to wear a hat for my crochet shop. I found it hilarious, but I didn't tell him.

    Great round up here :)

  4. I pinned that pom pom border I totally loved it! and that corn chowder worthy of a pin also, yum!

    I am glad things aren't looking as bad! Positive thoughts your way!

  5. […] This Bookmark Dump Taking Stock 10 Things I Learned in 2013 Giant Subscription Box List […]


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Maira Gall