Friday, October 18, 2013

Bookmark Dump: All things creepy and cool for Halloween!

Ah yes, Halloween is just around the corner and with Halloween comes Halloween parties. I had anxiety all damn week because we were invited to my brother in law's birthday/Halloween party next weekend and I didn't have a costume. So I was agonizing all week about what I should be and how much money it will cost and if I could actually find something NOT slutty because I fucking hate sluts. And I happened to find this adorable lady garden gnome costume at Target which also comes with the option for a man...aka my be the boy garden gnome. So we are going as garden gnomes! D'aw how cute.

This Freddy and Jason print just melts my heart!

If these horrifying old-timey Halloween costumes don't scare the shit out of you...
well then I don't know but you might still wanna check your pants anyway.
(This was my second costume choice, but I couldn't find anywhere to get one of these masks and I certainly don't know how to make one because they look molded. Things were just naturally creepy back then).

Enjoy some haunted wines at your next Halloween party. I especially like the rat poison label.

I love Gloria's little curated finds, especially these savory Halloween treats.

Does your pup need a costume? You might want to try this adorable hula dog Halloween costume! Awww!


  1. Ahh those costumes! Terrifying! Great links, thanks for sharing! xo

  2. That ghost pizza cracked me up! Love it!

  3. I found that ghost pizza as well, absolutely l-o-v-e! I also love that superrrr creepy old timey Halloween picture. I wonder if it's paper mache?

  4. I love those savory halloween treats!


  5. oh man... those costumes are the stuff nightmares are made of.

  6. aw those gnome costumes are adorable! Its hard to find non-revealing adult costumes but I foundn alice in wonderland one that is fairly conservative. My boyfriend is going as the Mad Hatter :)


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall