Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm doing Couch to 5K - Who's comin with me man?

I finally reached my breaking point with my weight and how uncomfortable I feel in my own skin. To be honest and blunt, I feel like a short fat sausage and at times I look like I'm 4 months pregnant. Now, before I tell you my weight, please know that this is totally personal and I am hoping not to upset anyone who might think, 'oh gee, she weighs this and she thinks she's fat? What must she think about me then?' Or 'what the hell is she worried about? Her weight isn't even bad.' No. That is not my intention. This is my own personal situation. I am 5'3 and 142 pounds with most of my fat in my ass and stomach (oh, and my new boobs which are actually the one good thing about this extra weight). Crap, I can't believe I just shard my weight online. But I have lived most of my life at or around 125-130. I used to be a ballerina so I was skinny once! So this extra weight (I call it my unemployment weight - since 2011) just doesn't feel good. I can't even put my sneakers on without using a bench or something to lean my fat leg on. I'm just really uncomfortable. I don't fit in any of my clothes anymore. I am rocking a muffin top.  Yes, a delicious chocolate chip muffin top, just because chocolate chip muffins are my favorite. Just Monday, I had to buy a pair of Dockers in a size 10 so I could button the waist shut without it digging into my stomach, causing said muffin top.

So! Now that you know where I'm coming from...

Once we bought our treadmill it was game on. I am going to do the Couch to 5K program and hopefully stay motivated to finish.

I have to say that at one week in (I officially started day 1 on September 9), I've been really enjoying it so far. What's most surprising is that for one, I am doing it. I am actually running and not dying. I have NEVER been a runner but the way the program works is you start off really easy with mixing jogging and walking and slowly you increase your running time. And at the point I'm at right now, each workout is 20 minutes so I really don't have any excuse not to do it.

I found that the trick to actually doing this is I have to jump on the treadmill as soon as humanly possible after I get home from work because if I find my way to the couch, it's game over. I know myself well enough that I won't want to peel myself off the couch to make myself a sweaty mess and leave my precious Farmville Facebook game once I introduce ass to couch.

There's two things I'm worried about:
One - I'm worried that I'm not going to lose any weight. I've read lots of articles about how runners gain weight because of building muscle, but I can't possibly be any worse off than I am right now without having any exercise in my life at all. If that does end up happening, at least my heart and endurance will benefit. I'm not really concerned about the weight right now though. I'm just focusing on keeping with the program and not quitting. But for the record, I am actively trying to eat better too.

And two - I have pretty bad scoliosis so I have a hard time with breathing and catching my breath (hence the reason why I've never been able to run). Like, that really deep satisfying lung filling breath you take when you yawn deeply...I can't get that full lung feeling while running so during my walking section, I kind of have to hunch my shoulders forward a little to be able to do this. It fucking sucks but tough shit. It's time to woman up.

But if I do end up losing weight I'd like to share some before and after pics if I have the guts to share, (or if I don't have the gut, if you know what I mean) but I am NOT promising anything!

Would anyone like to join in with me? We can keep each other motivated. The program requires you to run 3 days a week for 9 weeks. Click here to see the C25k running plan. And if you are going to do it on a treadmill, click here to see the running plan with the times written out.

And here's a fun little article about C25K on How Stuff Works because I love the podcast.
Who's coming with me, man?


  1. I think even if you gain weight you will feel differently about your body and you will change shape. I always stay at the same weight and roughly the same size, but when I exercise a lot I just feel more awesome about me. Good luck with it all, it sounds like you have the right attitude! Stick with it, it'll be worth it.

  2. You should try Pure Barre. Low impact with awesome results!

  3. It's so funny you post this! I did Week 2 workout 2 this morning! I've also never been a runner, but would like to get off some extra weight from that whole pregnancy craziness. And I'll share with you... I'm 5'1" and been teetering between 130-133lbs. So I'm totally in the same boat as you with regards to height/ weight.

    I've heard that you don't see too much weight start to come off until you start running longer distances, like longer than 5k. But I'll be so incredibly proud to make it to 5k!! I've also never been a runner.

    I've signed up to do the Color Run in November. You should sign up for a 5k! It's really helped with my motivation. Especially since I've convinced some of my friends to do it too and I'm the official team "captain". So it pushes me to workout because I'm like "I don't want to be the Fatty McNorun while everyone else leaves me behind".

    Also, I downloaded the app "Run a 5k!", which lets you listen to music (Hello workout stations on Pandora!), and this woman (who I also refer to as Bitch I hate you lol) tells you when to walk/ run. It also gives you stats, like how much you've run/ walked, how fast, and calories burned. It also maps your run if you're outside. You can download the free version, but it stops "talking" to you after the 3rd workout or so. So I bought the full, at only $1.99. Totally worth it IMO.

    Oh my god, this is probably the longest comment ever. I apologize. ha!

  4. I'm hardly an expert here (as I snack on some french fries) but I think you'll really notice a different in your measurements. Have you taken those yet? It's harder to gauge weight loss on a scale but it's better with a measuring tape ya know what I mean? Good luck! :)

  5. Good luck!!!! I'm also trying to get in better shape right now.... and is it weird that we are exactly the same size? I'm 5'3" and about 140 too! This summer was super bad for gaining weight. I am back to dance classes now that September started so I'm hoping that helps.... because I really don't enjoy running in the slightest, and I can never motivate myself to go to a gym. I think working in front of a computer all day doesn't help me... I barely move. All the best doing your couch to 5K!

  6. Ugh, I meant to say "a difference in your measurements..." =P

  7. HAHA get out of my headddddd. I just started too! I've been loving running so far. The thing is my job is hectic so I have been doing week 1 for the past two weeks. I love how I feel after running....I think I could really be a runner now. Soon as I lose all the flab that's making me jiggle like a jello when I run anyway.

  8. haha i know what you mean about the jello! it's all i feel when i run lol! i'm starting to believe i can be a runner too...not a fast runner, but a runner none the less :)

  9. yes, i took some measurements before i started. i'm thinking i'm not even going to take them again, or my weight for that matter, until the very end because i know i'll be discouraged if i dont see a change. but i'm excited to see what they'll be if i stick with it!

  10. i saw that app but didn't buy it yet. i wanna make sure i stick with it before i do that. but it sounds like a good app to use even with Bitch-I-hate-you lady haha!

  11. thanks! i'm just gonna go into this not expecting much so when i get to the end i can then be like, woah look what i did!

  12. I'm in the same boat as you, 5'4" and teetering between 145 and 150, by far the heaviest I've ever been in my life! (I'm also a former ballerina, so being overweight is totally uncharted territory for me) I also blame my weight gain on unemployment depression... I used to run half marathons, so I actually downloaded the Couch to 10k program on my phone at the beginning of this week and have committed to that, yesterday was Week 1 Day 2. I'm getting married in 10 months, so that is a huge motivator for me to lose some weight, but I really just want to be happy in my skin again (and fit into all of my cute clothes:P)! Keep us updated on your progress so that I can stay motivated too :)

  13. I did this a few years ago and you're right: even if you don't loose a ton of weight, you'll feel really empowered about your body! Also once you start exercising regularly, you'll want to fuel your body with good food and be less tempted by the junk!

    Also - sharing your weight online is such a huge thing, so kudos to you for your bravery! And good luck!

  14. Good Luck Alycia!! Sounds like your off to great start. I always wanted to be a "runner" but I have asthma which makes running very diffcult!! I try and go to the gym 2-3 times a week and do a little cardio (elliptical) and weight training. Keep us all updated! I also agree with the other comments. It may take some time to "see" changes but you will feel a lot better first. I know I always feel better after I workout even if I didn't want to go in the first place.

  15. Thanks Tiffany! I am already feeling better :)


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Maira Gall