Friday, September 13, 2013

Bookmark Dump: Star Wars parties, minimalist posters, and awesome beercozies

I have to make this quick because we are about to start our Dexter season 8 marathon! Kthankxbye!

It was International Crochet Day yesterday and one of my favorite crochet shops, creJJtion,
is having a sale on her awesome crochet patterns all weekend!

My future kid will have a Star Wars party. I don't care if they like it or not.


  1. Ha! Love the Keep Calm Koozie - Daryl is my favorite. I can't wait for the next season to start!

  2. I really miss The Walking Dead!
    Have you seen this?
    Makes me laugh every time!

  3. haha yea i love those bad lip reading videos! i imagine the script writers for those sitting there with the tv on mute, having a few drinks and just letting the creativity take over :)

  4. My son's first birthday party (he's about to turn 3) was a Galactic Empire Recruiting party. My husband is all about the bad guys and I'm a vintage lover... so I re-imagined Star Wars into WWII propaganda style. Plus, we were able to use our extensive at-at collection as "decoration". Let's just say it was awesome.


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Maira Gall