Saturday, September 28, 2013

Around Here - TV, running, work, and the like

Chihuahua photo bomb // crock pot chowder // new book to read

I've been totally sucked into TV this week that I forgot to post a Bookmark Dump yesterday. That sounds completely pathetic too but I don't care. I take my TV watching seriously. Between the Dexter finale, Sons of Anarchy (we somehow totally missed the premier because we thought it was coming out later this month) and we are also starting to re-watch Breaking Bad from season 1. I can't believe tomorrow is the last Breaking Bad ever! I'm so fucking sad! And as for Dexter...I cried my face off!!!! No major spoilers, but I totally loved the way it ended. Lots of people complained about it though, but what did you expect out of a serial killer?  A happy ending?

I've been keeping up with couch to 5k except I only did 3 days this week instead of my usual 4, and I also will have to repeat week 3 next week. I can't finish the 2nd 3 minute run. I'm just out of breath and can't do it. It's frustrating because I burned more calories doing the shorter runs than these longer run because I can run faster. But I am starting to think I may not be able to physically do a full 5k because of my breathing issues so right now I'm not very sure of myself. But I am feeling pretty good about doing the 20 minute workouts so if I can just keep that much up I'll be happy.

I think the exercising is also helping with my headaches. I'm down to 20 mgs of my migraine meds from 50, and next week it will be down to 10mgs then I'm off completely the week after. making time? I don't know I gotta see how I feel. But a year ago, I tried going off just to see if I could do it, and when I got to where I am now I was having headaches all the time. So the only thing I can think of that's different between then and now is the running. So who knows.

Work is still driving me nuts. Even more so this last week because I kept getting different answers from different people regarding leaving early and my paid time off. Is it too much for a straight answer? Apparently it is. Let me explain. My shift is 9-5. I come in at 8:30 to do 30 minutes of over time (which isn't a lot but it makes a decent difference in my check) and I still stay till 5. But sometimes on the Friday's that Brian has off, I like to leave early at 4:30. So I've heard people saying that as long as I do my 8 hours, I'm fine to leave. And my supervisor has let me leave early before no questions asked. Except last Friday. He now tells me that even though I did the 8 hours, they will have to take 30 minutes out of my PTO because I'm obligated to work my 9-5 shift. I'm like, what the fuck, how does that make any sense?  I came in early, why can't I leave early? So basically to get right to the point of this stupid bullshit, I emailed HR, specifically asked them, they said it was ok to leave early as long as I do my 8 hours (which I always do) and then I forwarded that whole conversation to my supervisor and said, I'd like to leave at 4:30. He was not happy. I don't know if he was just misinformed or trying to come up with a way to keep me at work for those extra 30 minutes, but I was pissed and annoyed at the unfairness and different answers I get each time I ask about leaving early (which isn't all the time). It's not like the work I'm doing is urgent. If it was so urgent, then why am I the only one who does the task I do? So anyway, now there's a new rule that I have to ask in advance, (I guess a day or so?) for the day I'd like to leave early instead of the day of. I'm sure that will change over time too. I'm just sick of the double standards and fucking politics of it all.

Well that about covers it. If you're still here, enjoy your weekend!


  1. I read every day. You've made an impact on my life.
    You're a friend I've never met :)

    I cried when Cyrus passed, felt joy for you when Monty & Mabel arrived into your family, felt heartsick when your sister lost her husband, was happy when you packed up & moved back east and got a job, and think it's great that you & your husband have bought a house.

    You inspired me to pick up the hook and learn to crochet and my blanket is coming in handy now that the cool weather has finally arrived.

    Through your blog, I found Nova. LOVE Nova and her Link posts.

    I moved from Montreal to Toronto in my early 20's and, as sad as this may sound, never felt the sense of community in Toronto as I did in Montreal. Until I discovered the world of blogging!

    So, carry on. I'm sure I'm not the only one!

    We're reading :)

  2. Oh my goodness this means so much to me. Thank you Joanne! I remember you being there for all those things. It's amazing that there are people out there who have been through those life moments with me. <3 I need to stop and tell myself that every now and then. It's easy to get caught up in the whole comments-equaling-relevance thing so thank you for showing me that it's not always the case.

  3. I follow on Bloglovin' and read everything too. :) I don't usually comment because I'm always on Instagram and it makes me feel like a stalker sometimes to do both. lol.

    PS - running is hard!! I tried to get into it a couple of years ago and it took me a good two months to get to 2 miles. And I run like a turtle. lol. Sounds like you're doing great to me. :)

  4. We're still here! :) I love reading about your 'new' life with the house and the job and the exciting plans for the future!
    Please don't ever think you're talking to no one!

  5. Hey, hang in there. I've been only visiting your blog for about half a year but would surely miss you if you stopped posting. I came for the crochet inspiration (I'm a beginner) and now have another shared interest with you... running. That I've been doing for years. I'm a slow runner, but always feel better mentally and physically when I run consistently. So don't give up. Slog through the harder times; makes the easier times all the more wonderful... both in running and in life!

  6. I read every day too!! I'm @diagonalley on instagram and I follow you there too. You moved into your new house right after we did and I'm so jealous of how much work you've put into it already. We got everything inside, and that was about it. We moved in May and STILL have four boxes left to unpack and haven't done any painting. Everytime I see pictures of your place it motivates me to get off my butt and do some stuff around here.

  7. Lots of us read every day :) I have found that our blog comments have been down a lot lately too, but I attribute that more to our content.... it has been all crochet lately and not much other stuff. Which is great for some, but if you don't crochet it probably gets a tad boring! I figure, as long as you still enjoy it, who cares?

  8. Switching names or changing anything in a blog can do that. You sometimes need to rebuild your audience as people don't always switch over.

  9. I am here! I have to say I don't comment that much. I still always read though. I as well really miss google reader, it was so easy. I use bloglovin and still not into loving it yet. Keep it up!

  10. The second 3 minute run has been killing me too!

    And as far as blogging grooves go, when I came back from my workshop earlier this summer one thing really stuck: how people interact with blogs is changing. I remember the one girl had turned comments off on her blog completely and was met with some criticism at the time, but looking at it now, I rarely comment on posts. I'm more likely to share it, tweet it, favorite it, etc. Commenting culture has just changed. And though I panicked at first - no one's reading! - I realizes just how many interactions I've been able to have outside of blog comments. Your blog is such a pleasure to read!


  11. I'm glad to hear it's not just me lol I do appreciate the interactions outside of my blog too, which definitely have been picking up a lot lately, especially on instagram.

  12. thanks tiffany! I don't like bloglovin too much either. Feedly is pretty good in that it most closely resembles google reader where it shows the full post instead of a small sample. i won't click over to a blog on bloglovin if the very first few sentences don't attract me. guilty as charged.

  13. I know that definitely has something to do with it.

  14. i know! i've been sharing craft projects a lot lately and i know not everyone finds that interesting, but it is to me. but i do mix it up with other non-crafty things every now and then.

  15. Yes I remember our moves were very close together! But oh man those boxes we had NO Idea what to do with...they're stacked in the attic! I don't even wanna go through them because i dont have the heart to throw anything out but i have no where to put them because i hate clutter! Out of sight out of mind lol

  16. Thanks Janice! That's a good piece of advice :)

  17. i feel the same way too sometimes about the multi-platform commenting haha!

    but it gives me hope that running longer distances will get easier. i'm having the hardest time. just gotta get through it.

  18. Thanks Wink! I love what you decided to do with your mandalas. I remember I was one of those people who asked what are you gonna do with all of them lol

  19. I read every single post and have been for years now. I may not comment as often, but I'm definitely still reading. Your blog is a favorite of mine - I appreciate your honesty and realness. It makes you more relatable, which is something I look for in blogs these days. :)

  20. I can relate to Joanne (your first commenter on this post) I've been following since a long time and don't always make a comment. You've been an inspiration to me and thanks to you I pushed myself to read crochet patterns and will be forever grateful to ya! Oh yeah and you were one of the very first people to make a comment on my blog and gave me some advice when I myself felt I was talking to nobody out there! (I still do sometimes ah!)


  21. Given your history of breathing problems, I think it makes sense to expect that it will take you longer to work up to 5k than other people. It's really great that you are sticking with the program anyway. I started doing something similar almost 2 years ago when I was feeling really lethargic and experiencing headaches and chest pains - my doc had already put me on high doses of vitamin D (which helped, but not enough) and said the next step was anti-depressants or exercise. I did not want to take the pills, so I gave myself a goal of walking 30 minutes three times a week and doing a small workout (light weights etc) at home at least twice a week for a few months. It made me feel so much better, and when I skip a week or get lazy, I feel the pain come right back so this pushes me to keep going.

    I love this video for illustrating all the benefits of minimal exercise. Just think, even if you don't get to the 5k you are doing good things for your health!

  22. Wow, that video is really informative and was fun to watch too! Thanks :)

  23. I think fewer people comment on anything these days.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall