Thursday, August 22, 2013

The scoop on work poop

Look, this rant is going to talk about pooping at work, specifically in the women's restroom. If you are afraid of poop talk, or the thought of a woman pooping, you best get on out of here.

Okay, so poop happens. And it sometimes happens when you're at work. And sometimes usually it's always very uncomfortable to do it there (at least for me it is), mainly because 1) of the embarrassing smell you are about to impose on others and 2) people can hear each and every sound your butt makes. But the women who use the bathroom at my workplace like to have what I call, poop standoffs.

There are 5 stalls and typically they are always in use throughout the day. There is hardly any time where you will be the only one in there. If you are in there alone it's like winning the lottery. And I fucking hate it if I have to poop because I know the other 4 women in there, who are most likely pooping too, are going to quietly hold their poop in until someone else flushes or dries their hands with the air dryer to mask the noise of going. Do you know how hard it is to stop pooping mid poop? Well it's pretty uncomfortable as you can imagine. But I still don't have it in me to throw my inhibitions to the wind and just go because of the deep set fear of my toilet neighbors identifying me by my pink pumas and thinking, sheesh, so she's the one who tore it up in there earlier.

--A side note: I've talked to my husband about work poop and he says men's room's are much different in that they don't give a crap what noise their crap makes on it's exit. I am a bit jealous of that freedom, but at the same time I'm not so I don't know what's worse.--

Now, many minutes later when you finally manage to finish your business, you then have to deal with 1) the people who are waiting to use the next stall knowing you were the one who made it stink so bad and 2) the people who you were pooping with are now washing their hands with you so you avoid all eye contact. And I've been in both positions. I've been the pooper, and I've been the poor soul who has to go into that next stinky stall, the latter more than the former.

When I am the poor soul who has to go in that stinky stall, I can't help but think of that moment in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where the knight says "He choose...........poorly" Because damn, I certainly chose the wrong time to come in to use the restroom and I certainly choose the wrong stall. Here, just watch this to see what I mean:

And finally, the last thing I hate having to deal with is the one and only hand air dryer. Our company is "green" so there are NO paper towels anywhere in the damn building. So when you are washing your hands with 4 other women, you will most likely have to wait to dry your hands about 2-3 minutes, which doesn't seem like a lot of time, but by the time you are next to finally dry your hands, they have already air dried. What the fuck.


From now on, here's a few things I'll be incorporating into my bathroom visits:
-Paper towels. I will be storing a roll of paper towels for my personal use at my desk.
-PooPourri. My mom gave me a bottle for Christmas last year and it actually sorta works.

As ridiculous as it sounds, I'm interested to hear your work pooping tips or stories. And I also hope this post receives at least one comment because if not, then I'll feel like a giant turd for having confessed all this.


  1. I had have a very similar conversation with previous coworkers about this very topic! They are typically divided into two camps: 1) Don't do it! although I'm not sure how you actually avoid it and 2) When you gotta go, you gotta go.

    Where I currently work we have a co-ed bathroom which can at times be a bit weird when you have to do #2 but I've come to notice that most folks fall into the "Don't care" camp.

  2. This cracked me up. When I was teaching there was one staff bathroom at the end of the hall, and it was just a one-toilet deal, which is helpful, except when you are waiting in the hallways to go and you end up with the stinky-stall situation. I just got to the point where I secretly bought an air freshener spray can to leave in the bathroom, which I had to replace a lot, or I would bring my own spray with me so I had some to combat either scenario and just made sure I had a pile of photocopy work in which to hide the can.

  3. I hate having to poop at work. Mainly because we're only two women on my floor, so you always know which one was the one leaving a stinky bathroom! And everyone can hear the sounds you're butt is making and why do they always seem so much louder at work than at home? I try avoiding it, but when there is no holding it back, I always take a deodorant with me to spray the heck out of that room! haha I should really learn to accept the mantra "when you gotta go, you gotta go", everyone has to poop at some point, right? lol

  4. I work in a very small office with only about 10 women. On our top floor we all share 1 toilet, yet downstairs we have 2 stalls, but they are like mini self contained toilet rooms - no gap above or below the door so that is where we all go to poo. The room is stocked with air freshner too so its not so bad - just blast it before you leave it and run before anyone notices you were in there.

  5. Just flush the toilet multiple times while you go. It helps eliminate the smell and sounds. Works like a charm.

  6. Hahaha I always seek out the one single bathroom at work wherever I am. I hate the poop standoff personally, it happens to me a lot in airports.

  7. This is hilarious, because we are always talking about this at work. I just can't do it. I'm too shy. I will hold it for HOURS. But if you're gonna do it, multiple flushes. As soon as you start, start flushing! I used to have a co-worker that carried a big can of Lysol in her purse. Barring that, keeping a mini body spray or something on hand and bringing it with you can't hurt.

  8. I used to be a CPABH (can't poop anywhere but home). Now, if I have to go I have to go.
    This post...HILARIOUS!
    I once held it in so long waiting for the only other person to leave the took her too long and the second she opened the door (and could still hear), I exploded like Jeff Daniels in Dumb & Dumber. All I could do was laugh & cry at the same time.
    The only thing that allows me mentally get over it any physically drop one in a public loo or at work is to have either one of those small concentrated sprays or a book of matches. AND get the hell outta there as fast as I can so no one knows it was me!
    Oh thanks for this - I needed to laugh :)

  9. HA! I love that you wrote this post! I used to have a ladies bathroom aaallll to myself, and that was awesome. Now, luckily there's a one-room that can be used for emergency situations. I once worked at a place that had a bathroom like a high school bathroom (like 6 stalls, always a line), and it was TERRIBLE. Serious Mean Girls-like flashbacks. Good luck to you!

  10. oh god this had me laughing the whole time. I love talking about poop. its not even a joke anymore. I have some wild poop stories too. Maybe one day I will share them. Thank you so much for posting this!!!

  11. Mate I totally emphasise!! I swing between not giving a damn and seriously giving a damn. Something Ive found can help is to put some headphones in and listen to your ipod or whatever. You cant hear yourself and that makes you feel better about it haha.

  12. oh god i hate those mean girls flashbacks to high school. i wouldn't go back in time for anything.

  13. oh my gosh, dumb and dumber is one of my favorite movies so i know exactly that part lol. hopefully it flushed for you ;)

  14. lol! sometimes it's too early for me to go before work so i know i am doomed on those days.

  15. At my last job there was a girl that would come from another department and use our bathroom to take the smelliest poops, 2-3 times a day! She wouldn't use the spray that we provided for her. We could smell it down the hall in our office. When we saw her coming we would scatter. We finally had to say something, so she would use the common bathroom that didn't have much traffic during the day. I understand she had to go, but come on. It's so funny how all offices seem to have the same issues no matter.

  16. Damn, 2-3 times a day! That's nuts lol


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Maira Gall