Friday, August 23, 2013

Bookmark Dump: Disney villains, crochet skateboards, and shame onGarnstudio

It's Friday, thank the freakin universe! I'm stuck in one of those phases where I'm sick to death of my daily routine and am starting to feel burnt out at work. I hate that I always go through this with every job I've ever had but I just need to suck it up and deal. I'm hoping to go check out some treadmills this weekend. I seriously need to start taking control of my health. I'm so uncomfortable with the weight I have gained over the last year to the point where I can't even look at myself in the mirror without making a disgusted face. You've probably have noticed I hardly post pics of myself on here anymore and that's the reason why. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my favorite internet finds of the week!

If Disney villains had won. This is pretty cool and yet disturbing.

I love Kristin's Pinterest-inspired Alice in Wonderlanda themed tea party curated collage.
That's a mouth full of a title!

I love everything about this living room. EVERYTHING!

My crochet hero, Wink, has had something happen to her that makes most people in the handmade business sick with anger...a large company took one of her patterns and is claiming it as their own. And to make it worse, they won't even respond to her numerous attempts at reaching out. An open letter to Garnstudio. It goes without saying, that Wink's rug looks way better.

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© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall