Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fun with chalkboard paint

Just when I thought I was done with painting, I remembered I had bought a small can of chalkboard paint from Home Depot a few weeks ago. This weekend I finally got around to painting the little strip of wall behind our unstocked and dog food-filled bar.

The directions said to use a foam or synthetic brush to give it as smooth a finish as possible but I just used a regular paint brush that we already had. And 2 coats later it's smooth, but up close you can see little lines....which I suppose it going to show up regardless of what paint brush you use (the roller left little bumps). I imaging the foam brush would take forever to paint with but would probably leave a smoother finish if you're more patient than me.

And the chalk wipes off easiest with a damp cloth. A dry cloth leaves a residue even though the can said it wouldn't do that. Perhaps I need a real chalkboard eraser though. Also I was a little disappointed that the paint bled under the Scotch Blue tape that worked perfectly in my closet. So I'm not sure what it was about this paint that made it leak under the tape a little (I even made sure to press and press so hard to prevent leaks), but its so small you can't really even notice it unless you are really close. It's not enough to make me want to retouch it or anything.

The little shelf is from Target. Overall, I love it. Drawing on it adds a little bit of color to the area. And there is also such thing as dry erase paint too! But for now, I'm all painted out.


  1. That turned out so good! I love that you added a shelf, great idea! I have been thinking about doing this for a wall in our pantry.

  2. This is awesome! I need a chalkboard. Looking forward to the crochet-along link-up soon! We are actually ready to go this month!

  3. You should do it! Especially in the kitchen, you can write your grocery list on it :)

  4. I love it! I love chalkboards I have a few at home! But I have yet to paint a wall...maybe one day my husband will agree to do it.

  5. I love it! I love chalkboard art - I definitely prefer it to dry erase. I guess I'll take dust over marker smell haha.
    BTW, I've always had the hit or miss effect with the blue Scotch painter's tape - sometimes it works flawlessly, sometimes I get the leaks no matter how hard I press to seal it.


© Habitual Homebody
Maira Gall